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2009 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WELCOME!. 2008/2009 Board of Directors Board MembersSector/Industry Julian ClearyIndividual/NGO/Academic Gord DayBusiness.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING WELCOME!. 2008/2009 Board of Directors Board MembersSector/Industry Julian ClearyIndividual/NGO/Academic Gord DayBusiness."— Presentation transcript:


2 2008/2009 Board of Directors Board MembersSector/Industry Julian ClearyIndividual/NGO/Academic Gord DayBusiness Barry Friesen Business Joe HruskaBusiness Rod MuirIndividual/NGO/Academic John MullinderBusiness Dina PalozziIndividual/NGO/Academic Geoff Rathbone Municipal Peter VeigaMunicipal Chris BenedettiBusiness

3 Summary of 2008/2009 Operations & Policy Membership Communications Governance WDA Review Extended Producer Responsibility

4 PROGRAMS Waste Reduction Week in Canada National Sponsors: Hewlett Packard Loblaw’s McDonald’s Nestle Pure Life Staples

5 PROGRAMS Waste Reduction Week in Canada Provincial Sponsors: Ontario Ministry of the Environment Desnoyers Schuler Future Friendly Tim Horton’s

6 PROGRAMS Ontario Waste Minimization Awards Sponsors: Ontario Ministry of the Environment The Beer Store GEEP Menkes Waste Management Ontario Electronic Stewardship

7 PROGRAMS Take Back the Light

8 PROGRAMS Waste Assessment & Audit Services

9 PROJECTS Zero Waste Community Event Toolkit Construction, Renovation and Demolition (CRD) Toolkit

10 POLICY FOCUS Extended Producer Responsibility Stewardship WDA Review

11 2009/2010 Board of Directors Board MembersSector/Industry Julian ClearyIndividual/NGO/Academic Gord DayBusiness Joe HruskaBusiness Rod MuirIndividual/NGO/Academic Dina PalozziIndividual/NGO/Academic Geoff Rathbone Municipal Christian ShelepukBusiness Peter VeigaMunicipal Adrian WilliamsIndividual/NGO/Academic Chris BenedettiBusiness

12 MOTIONS To approve the 2009/2010 Board of Directors slate as presented To approve the minutes of the 2008 Annual General Meeting To approve the proposed amendments to the current by-laws as presented

13 MOTIONS (cont’d) To approve and confirm all acts, contracts, by-laws, proceedings, appointments, elections, and payment enacted, made, done and taken by the directors and officers of the corporation since the last annual meeting To approve and adopt the financial statements of the corporation for the year ended May 31, 2009 To appoint “Roger Chaplin”, Chartered Accountant, as auditor of the corporation until the next annual meeting or until a successor is appointed, at a remuneration to be fixed by the directors

14 Adjourn Thank you for another great year. See you in 2010

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