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VMware Company Confidential Storage Virtual Appliance Certification Program Overview September, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "VMware Company Confidential Storage Virtual Appliance Certification Program Overview September, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 VMware Company Confidential Storage Virtual Appliance Certification Program Overview September, 2013

2 VMware Company Confidential Agenda  Storage Virtual Appliance  Why a certification program for Storage Virtual Appliance?  Program Details and Limitations  Certification Engagement  Program Roadmap  Next Steps

3 VMware Company Confidential What is a Storage Virtual Appliance? ESX/ESXi iSCSI or NFS initiator Internal RAID SVA iSCSI/NFS Target IP Cloud ESX/ESXi iSCSI or NFS initiator Internal RAID

4 VMware Company Confidential Storage Virtual Appliance: Example SVA loads as a VM on ESX Uses internal disk - no additional HW required Clusters storage across server nodes Provides virtual volumes for VMotion & HA across nodes 2 Node Cluster Example Volumes synchronously replicated across VI Servers ESX Server SVA DAS ESX Server SVA DAS Shared Internal Storage == SAN

5 VMware Company Confidential Why a new SVA certification program? An opportunity for VMware to work with storage partners to acquire new customers. VMware has created multiple product bundles to target SMBs and ROBO customers and storage partners can introduce “supported” entry level offerings (“Starter SANs”) to compliment the and complete the solution offering. Differentiating opportunities for server vendors “Equal opportunity” for the storage ecosystem Compatibility Listing presence for Virtual Appliance is now available and customers are assured their storage software solution is jointly supported. Acknowledgement of an industry trend (as it has been for SVDs) As customer interest grows VMware offers compatibility guidance to its customers

6 VMware Company Confidential SVA: Value to our Storage Partners Access new customers Previously inaccessible market due to price sensitivities and skills deficits. ie: ROBO, SMB Roughly 90% of VMware’s net new customers every year are SMB ROBO represents large market, with 1.3M branches in US alone On-ramp to traditional, shared storage products Enables customer migration and upgrade to partner product line Upsell opportunities for storage services New forms of upsell onto shared infrastructure New copy service opportunities across SVAs or to cloud services Economical POC Tool/Sales-aid: Accelerate sales and easily deliver to Channel Partners and SEs Historical precedent: proliferate, educate, upsell VMware Server  ESX SVA  low-end classic shared storage

7 VMware Company Confidential SVA: Value to our Customers Cost reduction enables full virtualization experience Shared storage at a lower price point Leverages economies of scale in internal storage capacity and performance Affordable Availability Extends Availability to applications otherwise ignored due to price and complexity Simple administration Administration of servers consistent with VC experience Doesn’t require separate, new expertise Leverage Datacenter for DR, Backup & Remote Management: ROBOs can now leverage Datacenter expertise and infrastructure. Stepwise move to shared storage Seamless migration into shared storage model when performance and capacity required Incremental step into virtualization

8 VMware Company Confidential SVA Program & Technical Requirements

9 VMware Company Confidential Program Requirements & Benefits Partners Presence and Reach into SMB and ROBO environments. Enable and accelerate VMware penetration into these markets or has substantial VMware footprint. Technology Alliance Select Level Partner Program Enablement at a fee of $5,000 per appliance. Additional certification fees apply Support Partner can ensure customers that VMware will have knowledge to help troubleshoot/triage issues. Provide training to VMware support and follow similar support model for certified storage arrays. Additionally, escalation issues and bug fixes will be handled by our support organization once certification is achieved. VMware Ready Certified Carries highest level support and validation requirement. Packaging / Distribution Must be able to pass VMware Virtual Appliance Testing and must be able to distribute and deploy SVA in a production environment. Requires engagement with VAM program to ensure all aspects of packaging/distribution follow VMware guidelines and standards. Architectural Review  A formal process by which VMware provides partner with thorough analysis to ensure SVA integrity and ability to pass certification.

10 VMware Company Confidential Certification Engagement On-boarding (requires TAP membership, SVA program agreement, program fees and architectural review) Testing (Manual + CVA) Logs Review (Manual) Partner to apply VAM (requires VAM agreement and fees) Pass? SVA /ESX related bug fixes No Yes –Posting on HCL Pass? VAM Certification testing Yes Packaging related fixes VAM Posting No Equivalent Storage Certification Program VAM Validation(optional)

11 VMware Company Confidential Program Roadmap 2010 20112012 Program Launch iSCSI only Manual On-boarding CVA / Manual Testing Not Integrated with VAM Program Launch iSCSI only Manual On-boarding CVA / Manual Testing Not Integrated with VAM NFS support(ESX 5.1, 5.5) External storage arrays for backend storage NFS support(ESX 5.1, 5.5) External storage arrays for backend storage Multiprotocol Automated Cert VAM Integration Multiprotocol Automated Cert VAM Integration NOTES on First release:  Only offers support for iSCSI SVAs (e.g. VMs will be accessing the SVA volumes via SW iSCSI)  Only local storage backed supported (e.g. the SVA export local volumes only) 2013

12 VMware Company Confidential High-Level Technical Requirement Details  vSphere 4.1 (ESX 3.5 is not supported)  iSCSI interface to ESX 4.1; NFS Support with ESXi 5.1  High Availability  Drive failures  ESX failures  ESX RAID  OVF Packaging  Performance  Meets or exceeds specified minimum performance levels  Installation  Automated workflow for installing SVA with minimal user interaction  Integrated with Installer  Configuration  Automated configuration with workflow and wizards  VC Integration - Optional  Integration with partner management console

13 VMware Company Confidential Next Steps  Indicate interested in the program – Day1 the program will have limited engagement slots due to high resource requirements. Start with your Alliance manager to engage. Early participation to the program will be for a fee. Book a slot in the program pipeline by submitting your request early. Alliance Manager will provide request/questionnaire form. Program fees: Certification of each SVA of $5,000. VAM posting fees: $2500 Cert log submission fee: $250 Cert support fee: $250 Equivalency and compatibility testing: $125

14 VMware Company Confidential Backup Slide: SVA program details Enhanced Compatibility Analysis Architecture review for compatibility, integrity and security Some assistance with SVA development for best practices Enhanced Certification Performance testing to ensure SVA is production worthy WB testing with SVA set up that meets performance threshold KB for SVA minimal configuration, best practices for deployment Collaboration with Global Support Services: Access to train our support team for improved customer service and satisfaction. Collaborate with our Support team to ensure successful escalation process and documentation are readily available for customer problem resolution. Posting to VMware Virtual Appliance Marketplace Need to meet VAM requirements – OVF compliance, packaging and documentation requirements, … SVA will be available for download or posting from VA Marketplace Miscellaneous Phase-I for S/W iSCSI only Approach Alliance for admission to the program

15 VMware Company Confidential Appendix – VMware Pre-Release Material(s) and VMware Development Kit(s) Under this Program, VMware may provide to Partner the VMware Pre-Release Material(s) or VMware Development Kit(s) listed below. Partner’s use of the VMware Pre-Release Material(s) or VMware Development Kit(s) is subject to the terms and conditions of the Program Agreement. Vmware Pre-Release Material(s): Vmware vSphere 5.x, 6.x Vmware vCenter Server 5.x, 6.x Vmware Workbench 2.x, 3.x

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