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Sam 50 States Project Wisconsin

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1 Sam 50 States Project Wisconsin
Mr. Fields 7th Period Social Studies Horace Mann Middle School

2 State Capital Madison

3 State Population 5,363,675

4 Three Largest Cities Milwaukee   Madison   Green Bay

5 Admission to Statehood
May 28, 1848

6 Agriculture: dairy products, beef cattle, hogs, vegetables, corn, cranberries

7 State Song On, Wisconsin! Written by J. S. Hubbard and Charles D. Rosa
Composed by William T. Purdy On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin! Grand old badger state! We, thy loyal sons and daughters, Hail thee, good and great. Champion of the right, "Forward", our motto God will give thee might!"

8 State Tree Sugar Maple

9 State Flower Wood Violet

10 State Bird Robin

11 The area of Wisconsin is: 56,153 sq mi

12 Border states or bodies of water or countries: MN, IA, MI, IL, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior

13 State Flag

14 Conclusion Thank you for listening and have a great day!
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