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Special Considerations Certified Subsurface Systems Inspector Training School 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Special Considerations Certified Subsurface Systems Inspector Training School 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Special Considerations Certified Subsurface Systems Inspector Training School 2012

2 Overview Conflict of interest Working under another’s licenses Report what you saw Liability insurance Encroachments Easements Off sites Permit inconsistencies

3 Conflict of Interest You are the ORC You installed or designed the system You evaluated the site for IP, OP, or CA You are the buyer You are the seller Financial relationship Family relationship The inspector needs to be a disinterested third party.

4 The License Company employees can work under your licenses Contract or subcontract can not work under your licenses

5 Report what you saw Photograph the components Not sure how to classify it?

6 Photograph the components Digital photos are admissible in court Documents what you observed – Your records – Your client’s records Use as a teaching tool

7 Not sure how to classify it Describe it Photograph it Get a second opinion Contact the manufacturer

8 Liability Insurance Talk to a lawyer

9 Encroachments What if the encroachment is small? What if an access easement is blocked by utilities? What if someone else did it? What about the repair area?

10 10’ off property line

11 Easement for access is blocked

12 Spite Fence installed over drainfield

13 Easements Utility easement Access easement Legal entry Encroachments

14 Septic Easement  Utility Easement  Septic Easement  Utility Easement  Road R / W  Lot 18  Lot 76


16 Access Easement

17 Access Point – Legal entry?

18 Encroachment

19 Off Site Systems Permission to access Look at correct system – Good plans – Remote location of devices Long distance – 2 person job – 2 way communication

20 Special Purpose Lots

21 Land Hooks

22 Common Drainfield area




26 Cluster systems Inspect the STEP tank Inspect the collection system Inspect the pump tank Inspect the entire drainfield

27 Permit inconsistencies Occupancy Bedrooms Real Estate Listing


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