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Instructional Leadership Team February 5, 2013. Overview of ILT Session 9:00 – 9:55WHY? 9:00 - 9:30Validating the Need for Systemic Change, David Holland.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructional Leadership Team February 5, 2013. Overview of ILT Session 9:00 – 9:55WHY? 9:00 - 9:30Validating the Need for Systemic Change, David Holland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructional Leadership Team February 5, 2013

2 Overview of ILT Session 9:00 – 9:55WHY? 9:00 - 9:30Validating the Need for Systemic Change, David Holland 9:30 - 9:55Introduction to RtI, Dr. Clark 10:00 - 11:10 WHAT and HOW? 10:00 - 10:15 Rotation 1 10:15 - 10:40 Rotation 2 10:40 - 11:10Rotation 3 11:10 – 11:30Leadership Panel Q&A 11:30 - 11:45 Coordinators: Preview of February 18 Curriculum Feedback Form 11:45 – 12:15 Principals Only – Discussion with Dr. Brown, Joe Cammarata, Dr. Kempe, and John Hughes

3 Validating the Need for Systemic Change David Holland

4 the collective capacity of Birdville ISD to respond appropriately to students when they are experiencing difficulty in learning the curricular standards Introduction to RtI

5 A Collaborative Culture with a Focus on Learning for All

6 Collective Inquiry into Best Practice

7 A Commitment to Continuous Improvement

8 Results Orientation

9 PLC Question #3: How will we respond when students experience difficulty in learning? Tier 2 Campus Response Designated Staff Data: - Use of Aware and INOVA -Scenario Matrix - Progress Monitoring Strategies, Resources and Interventions: - iStation - Think Through Math - Tutoring Sessions - Aspire - A+ Learning - Leveled Literacy Instruction Tier 3 District Response Interventionist Data: - Use of Aware and INOVA -Scenario Matrix - Progress Monitoring Strategies, Resources and Interventions: - Campus Interventionists for reading and math - iStation - Think Through Math - Read 180 - Read/Write - Reading Improvement - Approved secondary course offerings -A+ Learning - Leveled Literacy Instruction Tier 1 Classroom Response Teacher Data: - Use of Aware - Universal Screeners - Progress Monitoring Strategies, Resources and Interventions: - iStation - Florida Center for Reading Research Strategies - Bea Luchin Strategies -SIOP -Differentiated Instruction Response to Intervention (RtI) Leadership Roles and Responsibilities Birdville ISD Model

10 Critical Conversations: Building Capacity for RTI

11 Objectives Engage in discussion to help understand RTI procedures and begin to develop capacity to support those procedures at the campus level Collaborate to explore ideas, anticipate hurdles, and problem-solve so that RTI implementation will prove successful Examine the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders and discuss the implications on the campuses’ ability to build capacity for RTI

12 Rotation 1: Tier 1 Instruction 1.Sit in assigned group 2.Discuss each Rotation 1 topic 3.Graphic Organizer: Record ideas for strategies that will help build campus capacity in support of that topic 4.Record questions and/or concerns 15 minutes

13 Rotation 2: Tiers 2 and 3 1.Move to assigned group, share salient points from Round 1, and synthesize any new ideas 2.Discuss each Rotation 2 topic 3.Graphic Organizer: Record ideas for strategies that will help build campus capacity in support of that topic 4.Record any new questions and/or concerns 20 minutes

14 Rotation 3: Roles and Responsibilities 1.Move to cluster group, share salient points from Rotations 1 and 2, and synthesize any new ideas 2.Discuss the Roles and Responsibilities draft document 3.Graphic Organizer: Record questions and/or concerns and list next steps 4.Collaborate: What are the top 3 questions and/or concerns from your cluster? Write each on an Index Card. 25 minutes

15 Leadership Panel Q&A

16 Previews February 18: District Professional Learning Curriculum Feedback Form

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