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Year Ten Work Experience Monday 27 th June- Friday 1st July 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Year Ten Work Experience Monday 27 th June- Friday 1st July 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year Ten Work Experience Monday 27 th June- Friday 1st July 2016

2 introductions  Mrs McKenna  Mr Grimwood  Mrs Hollis  Mrs Mann

3 Activities Week Year 10s will be expected to do: - Work Experience If this is not organised and work shadowing is not possible students will be expected to be in school completing lessons.

4 Work Experience  Enables young people to engage with adults.  Gain an insight into employer expectations  Gain some employability skills.  Interview skills  Insight into future careers

5 Placements  Students will be expected to find their own placements. This can be done in the following ways: - Friends - Family - Neighbours - Areas of interest  Make sure your placement is appropriate to the individual and do not have too high an expectation of what you will be doing.  Students need to be aware that this is an experience of gaining vital skills and being part of the working environment.

6 In addition  All Year Ten students will get the opportunity to: - Produce a C.V - Undertake a health and safety course - Develop their interview skills - Gain an employer reference

7 What we need  Two forms filled: - Green form with contact details and parental permission - Yellow form which needs to be handed to the employer: it is vital the employer liability section is filled in.

8 Things to Consider  Costs of travelling and time it will take to commute between work and home.  Certain industries such as construction are generally unable to take work experience students.  Appropriate clothing and safety equipment might be required.

9 During the Placement  All staff with contact students in the first two days to check they are settled in.  Staff will then visit students towards the end of the week.  All students will be given a work experience diary to record their daily tasks and experiences.

10 Future careers  If you are looking at a career in teaching veterinary science, medicine and caring professions it is important that you have had relevant work experience if possible.  Teaching should be at an additional primary school if possible to the one which they attended.

11 Summary  You need to understand it will cost employers to take you on as a work experience so if you get knocked back a couple of times don’t take it personally.  Some employers will also not be able to take you on as they will not have the appropriate liability insurance.  And remember be realistic you are only in year ten and will be working with adult who have been working for many years!

12 Questions If there are any questions then please see any member of staff after this presentation or alternatively email Please collect the two forms this evening if you have not already done so

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