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Institutional Effectiveness &. Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning IE & SP Committees have developed a new system that integrates these two.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional Effectiveness &. Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning IE & SP Committees have developed a new system that integrates these two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional Effectiveness &

2 Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning IE & SP Committees have developed a new system that integrates these two assessment processes Full implementation in 2007- 2008

3 Institutional Effectiveness & IE/SP assists the college in: Planning for the future Setting goals Ensuring student learning Single set of comprehensive goals and objectives Integration of the two processes

4 Institutional Effectiveness & Institutional Effectiveness  Is the process of articulating the mission of the institution, setting goals, and using data in an ongoing improvement cycle.

5 Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning  Is anticipating trends and determining the best strategies to achieve organizational goals and objectives.

6 Institutional Effectiveness & The integration of the IE and SP action plan will allow each department to specifically set their goals and determine their role in accomplishing the Strategic Plan

7 Institutional Effectiveness & SACS Core Requirement 2.5 “The institution engages in ongoing, integrated and institution-wide research- based planning and evaluation processes that incorporate a systematic review of programs and services that results in continuing improvements and demonstrates that the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission”.

8 Institutional Effectiveness & Access IE/SP Form  Faculty and Staff Webpage  Click on Institutional Research & Effectiveness  Click on Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning Assessment Form  Save form to local drive  Additional Resources Available  Broad-based participation

9 Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Construct Areas & Priorities 1. Instructional Excellence –1A Curriculum Development –1B Qualified & Diverse Faculty –1C Student Academic Support Services –1D Student Learning Outcomes 2. Community & Economic Development –2A. Student Access to Lifelong Learning Opportunities –2B. Economic Development –2C. Internal Community Development 3. Student Support, Access & Collegiate Environment –3A. Student Career & Employment Services –3B. Recruitment & Retention of Underrepresented Student Populations –3C. Year-to-Year Retention & Graduation Rates –3D. System-Wide Student Centered Collegiate Environment

10 Institutional Effectiveness & Construct Areas & Priorities (cont.) 4. Continuous Quality Improvement –4A. Access to & Utilization of Institutional Data –4B. Compliance with the Newly Adopted SACS Principles of Accreditation 5. Human Resources –5A. Attraction & Retention of Diverse Faculty and Staff –5B. Professional Development & Growth Opportunities –5C. Quality Employee Benefit Support Program 6. Physical and Resource Development –6A. Quality Facilities on Each Campus –6B. Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness of Facilities & Maintenance –6C. Alternative Funding Sources 7. Community Outreach & Enrichment –7A. Integration of Marketing/Recruiting –7B. Identification of Target Markets –7C. Increase/Strengthen Community Partnerships and Linkages –7D. Continued Enhancement of Collegiate Environment –7E. Continued Refinement & Improvement of NCTC’s Website

11 MISSION STATEMENT: North Central Texas College is a two-year comprehensive community college primarily serving residents of Cooke, Denton, and Montague counties by offering technical and academic courses for certification or associate degrees; continuing education; remedial and compensatory education consistent with open-admissions policies; and programs of counseling and guidance. The College insists on excellence in all academic areas, instruction and public service. DEPARTMENTAL PURPOSE STATEMENT (Please write a broad statement that describes the overall role of your department as it relates to the institutional mission and goals): INSTITUTIONAL GOALS (Check all that apply to your department):  Quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences which parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities.  Quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees.  Quality, flexible and responsive continuing workforce education programs, community education programs, and community service programs for occupational and entrepreneurial skills enhancement and/or cultural enrichment. X Assistance to students in achieving their educational goals by making available quality student and educational support services.  Quality programs and services in support of adult literacy and basic skills development as a means of workforce enhancements and expanding access to higher education.  A systematic, broad-based planning, research, and evaluation process, the ongoing pursuit of institutional effectiveness and continuous improvement among programs, services and personnel.  A qualified, competent faculty, staff and administration who are dedicated to carrying out the role, scope and mission of the institution as adopted by the Board.  Adequate physical and financial resources to accomplish the role, scope and mission of the institution.  A quality general education curriculum in all associate degree programs. NCTC Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning Assessment Department:TRIO – Student Support Services Departmental Objective (What specifically do you want to achieve this year) Link to Strategic Plan Implement- tion/Action Steps (How are you going to do it?) Evaluation Methods & Assessment Criteria (Measures) Assessment Results (Findings) Use of Results (Modifications, Improvements, Accomplishments) Department Objective Increase the number of TRIO participants who have declared a major and career goal. Link to Strategic Plan: 3A, 1C Implementation/Action Steps 1A. Conduct classroom presentations Utilize ANGEL Community Group to inform TRIO students of services Send letters to TRIO students explaining career options Evaluation Methods & Assessment Criteria: 1A. Method: Documentation in student’s TRIO file indicating their declared major. Criteria: 70% of the TRIO Students will declare a major by the end of the semester. Assessment Results: By 12/15/07, 75% of all TRIO students have declared a major. Criterion has been met. Use of Results: 1A. TRIO program will continue to promote career services and will add an on-line career counseling component. Departmental Purpose Statement: The TRIO Program provides students who are low income, first generation, and students with disabilities services to improve student success at NCTC.

12 MISSION STATEMENT: North Central Texas College is a two-year comprehensive community college primarily serving residents of Cooke, Denton, and Montague counties by offering technical and academic courses for certification or associate degrees; continuing education; remedial and compensatory education consistent with open-admissions policies; and programs of counseling and guidance. The College insists on excellence in all academic areas, instruction and public service. DEPARTMENTAL PURPOSE STATEMENT (Please write a broad statement that describes the overall role of your department as it relates to the institutional mission and goals): INSTITUTIONAL GOALS (Check all that apply to your department):  Quality freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences which parallel the lower division offerings of four-year colleges and universities.  Quality technical programs leading directly to careers in semi-skilled and skilled occupations, and quality technical education programs up to two years in length leading to certificates and associate degrees.  Quality, flexible and responsive continuing workforce education programs, community education programs, and community service programs for occupational and entrepreneurial skills enhancement and/or cultural enrichment.  Assistance to students in achieving their educational goals by making available quality student and educational support services.  Quality programs and services in support of adult literacy and basic skills development as a means of workforce enhancements and expanding access to higher education.  A systematic, broad-based planning, research, and evaluation process, the ongoing pursuit of institutional effectiveness and continuous improvement among programs, services and personnel.  A qualified, competent faculty, staff and administration who are dedicated to carrying out the role, scope and mission of the institution as adopted by the Board.  Adequate physical and financial resources to accomplish the role, scope and mission of the institution.  A quality general education curriculum in all associate degree programs. NCTC Institutional Effectiveness & Strategic Planning Assessment Department:TRIO Department Additional Resources Needed - $500 to host a career fair and $1,000 for University Visits for TRIO students. Please list your department’s major accomplishments: The TRIO program hosted a career and job fair with over 300 participants. The TRIO program increased the number of participant’s by 25% over last year.

13 IE/SP Assessment Timeline YearColumns to be completed Deadline 2007-2008Column 1-4March 30, 2007 2008-2009Column 1-4March 28, 2008 2007-2008Column 5-6August 17, 2008 2008-2009Column 5-6August 15, 2009

14 IE/SP Help Sessions CampusFeb. 19Feb. 20Feb. 21 Corinth Room 333 9:00 a.m. Corinth Room 333 2:30 p.m. Gainesville Room 103 9:00 a.m. Gainesville Room 103 2:30 pm.2:30 p.m.

15 Institutional Effectiveness & 2007-2008 Cycle Columns 1-4 due March 30, 2007 Email form to Send printed signature page

16 Institutional Effectiveness & Questions ?

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