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Planning, contracting and funding services Phil Madden, EASPD February 2008, Belgrade.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning, contracting and funding services Phil Madden, EASPD February 2008, Belgrade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning, contracting and funding services Phil Madden, EASPD February 2008, Belgrade

2 Macro planning and resourcing Policy Direction Strategic Planning formal structures holistic user participation

3 Public Service Frameworks Specific criteria (eg more people in employment) Disability Equality Duty Equality Impact Assessments

4 De-institutionalisation Evidence Base - Knapp / Mansell – see map 2a (*17) - Like for like, community based services better than institutionalised services

5 Estimated number of places and rates of residential care and institutionalisation CountryRate of inst care per 100,000 people Estonia539 Latvia535 Lithuania439 Spain357 Slovakia348 Czech Republic302 Slovenia270 Italy262 Netherlands251 France247 Germany231 Hungary224 Poland193 Belgium172 CountryRate of inst care per 100,000 people Bulgaria163 Finland162 Malta137 Romania136 Ireland122 United Kingdom110 Portugal66 Luxembourg64 Turkey13 Sweden0 Austria Cyprus Denmark Greece

6 Strategies for de-institutionalisation - Strangulation (of the access to institutions) - Double funding - Coal mining communities

7 Analysis of trends / gaps (for policy directions) Data collection Satisfaction surveys Involving / service users in and asking them about planning priorities UK Learning Disability Partnership Boards Independent Living Centres

8 Clarity of policy outcomes Best Value Added Value Understanding of full cost recovery National Costing model

9 Costing procedures 1. Direct hours Ratio Shifts 2. On costs Training Sickness

10 Costing procedures 3. Voids 4. Building Equipment Depreciation 5. Management / Supervision / Administration / Insurance

11 Managing the market - commissioning Criteria For commissioners: - Variety - Freshness - Ability to meet strategic needs For providers: - Sustainable commitment and length - Proportionate complexity of contract

12 Role of user lead organisations / NGO’s Develop supportive networks – to learn / peloton Develop political contacts Use the political energy Encourage and involve the media Know the law Know best practice Innovate / develop best practice Be role models for disability inclusion

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