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UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAWS 102ND CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION PUBLIC LAW 102-477 An Act -- OCTOBER 23, 1992 To authorize the integration of employment, training,

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Presentation on theme: "UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAWS 102ND CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION PUBLIC LAW 102-477 An Act -- OCTOBER 23, 1992 To authorize the integration of employment, training,"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAWS 102ND CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION PUBLIC LAW 102-477 An Act -- OCTOBER 23, 1992 To authorize the integration of employment, training, and related services provided by Indian tribal governments.

2 The purposes of this Act are to demonstrate how Indian tribal governments can integrate the employment, training and related services they provide in order to improve the effectiveness of those services, reduce joblessness in Indian communities and serve tribally- determined goals consistent with the policy of self-determination

3 INTEGRATION OF SERVICES AUTHORIZED The Secretary of the Interior, in cooperation with the appropriate Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Health and Human Services, or Secretary of Education, shall, upon the receipt of a plan acceptable to the Secretary of the Interior submitted by an Indian tribal government, authorize the tribal government to coordinate, (cont…)

4 INTEGRATION OF SERVICES AUTHORIZED Cont… in accordance with such plan, its federally funded employment, training, and related services programs in a manner that integrates the program services involved into a single, coordinated, comprehensive program and reduces administrative costs by consolidating administrative functions

5 The programs that may be integrated in a demonstration project under any such plan referred to in section 4 shall include any program under which an Indian tribe is eligible for receipt of funds under a statutory or administrative formula for the purposes of job training, tribal work experience, employment opportunities, or skill development, or any program designed for the enhancement of job opportunities or employment training.

6 Programs that can be integrated into a Public Law 102-477 Plan are:

7 Job Placement and Training: (JPT) This program is authorized by Pub. L. 84-959 as amended. The JPT program provides funds to assist Indian people acquire job skills necessary for full-time employment including testing, counseling, guidance, training, apprenticeship, on-the-job training and supportive services such as work- related clothing, transportation, tools and related expenses. CFDA 15.108

8 DOI/ BIA / Social Services General Assistance: (GA) Program provides funds for general assistance payments, and may include a tribal redesign program. CFDA 15.113

9 DOI/ BIE Adult Education: (AE) is authorized by Pub. L. 93-638, as amended to provide funds to Indian adults to acquire the basic educational skills necessary for literate functioning, to enable them to benefit from job training and to continue education to at least the completion of secondary school or equivalent certification. CFDA 15.026

10 DOI/ BIE Higher Education: (HE) is authorized under 48 Stat. 986, as amended to provide supplemental funds to enable Indian students to seek post-high school &/or undergraduate degrees. CFDA 15.114

11 DOI/ BIE Johnson O’Malley: (JOM) is authorized under Pub. L. 93- 638, as amended: to meet the specialized and unique educational needs of Indian students. CFDA 15.130

12 DHHS Child Care and Development Fund: (CCDF) Discretionary &/or Mandatory funds to tribes for child care services. The program is designed to increase the availability, affordability and quality of child care services for unemployed and low- income families while parents are in school or in training, actively seeking work, or in low income jobs. CFDA 93.575 & 93.576

13 DHHS Temporary Assistance to Needy Families: (TANF) block grant authorized under Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-193, as amended; TANF replaces the old welfare system (ACDF). TANF continues to provide financial assistance but within time limits, requires participants to work, and makes it beneficial for clients to earn income. CFDA 93.558

14 DHHS Native Employment Works: (NEW) Authorized under Section 412(a) (2) of the Social Security Act, as amended by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, (the welfare reform act). This program replaced JOBS on July 1, 1997. NEW provides limited funds to tribes to design programs to make work activities and services available. Allowable activities include job search, work experience, classroom training and on- the-job training. CFDA 93.594

15 DOL Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act: (WIOA) Adult and Supplemental Youth Employment Program Authorized under the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act of 2014 supercedes the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) & the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA).

16 DOL Workforce Investment & Opportunity Act: WIOA funds are designed to assist Native Americans to be prepared to enter, reenter, or retain unsubsidized employment through a wide range of possible activities including, occupational skill training, on- the-job training, entrepreneurial and

17 small business development technical assistance and training, education and tuition assistance, tutoring, alternative secondary school services, counseling, job search and placement and related activities for adults and youth. CFDA 17.265

18 Public Law 102-477 - Tribal Work Group - Executive Committee Address Phone Fax Co-ChairRaeBelle Whitcomb Bristol Bay Native Association P.O. Box 310 Dillingham, AK 99576 (907) 842-2262, Xt410(907) 842-3498 Co-ChairMargaret ZientekCitizen Potawatomi 1601 S. Gordon Cooper Drive Shawnee, OK 74801 (405) 598-0797(405) 598-0833 SecretaryKim CarrollCherokee Nation 17675 S. Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74465 (918) 207-3842(918) 458-7694 At-Large RepBrenda SchwantesSun’aq Tribe of Kodiak 312 W. Marine Way Kodiak, AK 99615 (907) 486-4449(907) 486-3361 At-Large RepKay KidderNez Perce Tribe 116 Veterans Drive Lapwai, ID 83540 (208) 621-4604(208) 843-7380

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