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Draft Roadmap to an adequate minimum income system in Ireland For discussion Robin Hanan, EMIN Ireland and EAPN Ireland Round Table, 7 October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Draft Roadmap to an adequate minimum income system in Ireland For discussion Robin Hanan, EMIN Ireland and EAPN Ireland Round Table, 7 October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Draft Roadmap to an adequate minimum income system in Ireland For discussion Robin Hanan, EMIN Ireland and EAPN Ireland Round Table, 7 October 2014

2 Why Now? Time of change Emerging from recession One stop shops/ Intreo Activation/ conditionality New debates across Europe

3 Part of a broader picture The auld triangle of active inclusion … Adequate income Decent work Quality services

4 Why is it important? A More equal society Enable social participation Economic stabiliser Economic stimulus Support to return to work

5 How do we design it? Adequate Accessible Comprehensive

6 Workshop Questions Question 1 How much is enough?

7 What do we mean by adequate? "People are living in poverty if their income and resources (material, cultural and social) are so inadequate as to preclude them from having a standard of living which is regarded as acceptable by Irish society generally. “As a result of inadequate income and other resources, people may be excluded and marginalised from participating in activities which are considered the norm for other people in society.“ National Anti Poverty Strategy, 1997

8 Yes, but How do we really decide what’s adequate? 60% of mean income? A basket of Goods and services? Deprivation indicators?

9 Workshop Questions Question 2 What needs to change?

10 Who Is falling between the cracks now? Habitual Residency condition? Homeless people? Early school leavers? Young people? Direct Provision? Insecure workers? Women at home? Leaving institutional care?

11 What Would an adequate and effective system look like? One scheme with tailored add-ons’? What conditionality? What secondary benefits? What means-testing and how? How to bring in excluded groups? Better information on rights? Gender? Race? Rural/urban? Child’s rights/parents’ status? Poverty traps?

12 Workshop Questions Question3 How do we achieve change?

13 What road forward? Winning public support Building coalitions? European Alliances? Institutional dialogue? Political consensus? Fighting hostile myths?

14 Questions for the workshops 1.How much is enough? Defining an adequate minimum income 2.What needs to change? Delivering an adequate minimum income 3. How do we achieve change?

15 Find your group Group FacilitatorNote-taker Purple Robin HananTess Murphy Blue Audry DeaneWayne Stanley Green Aiden LloydPaul Ginnell

16 Irish Minimum Income Network Part of the European Minimum Income Network Current members: Age and Opportunity;Disability Federation of Ireland; Focus Ireland; Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed; Nevin Economic Research Institute; SIPTU; Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice; EAPN Ireland. Emin Blog

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