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Using Technology to Assist Post-Secondary Planning Mary Kate Hart COUN 511 March 20, 2007

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2 Using Technology to Assist Post-Secondary Planning Mary Kate Hart COUN 511 March 20, 2007

3 Introduction Useful websites for career counseling, college preparation, and other post- secondary planning Websites provide help for educators, students, parents, and guidance counselors Websites include information, links, and useful tools and programs for post- secondary planning

4 Summary of Findings (Site names link to slides within the presentation; URL links directly to the webpage) High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling Bob Turba’s Cyber Guidance Office School Guidance Counseling Sites College Board Busy Teacher’s Website K-12- High School Guidance & Counseling Busy Teacher’s Website K-12- High School Guidance & Counseling

5 Scanned Drawing

6 High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling Tools to help w/ post-secondary planning (both college & career) Targets high school students and their parents

7 High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling - cont. Career planning - sections and links for career descriptions - information about trade and vocational schools - “Employment Projections Page”- outlines various types of jobs in demand - “Occupational Outlook Handbook” - information for students about various careers, what is involved, and the training required

8 High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling High Technology High School Guidance and Counseling - cont. College preparation - searches: - both two year and four year colleges - information about specific colleges - identifying 5 “reach schools”, 5 “good match schools”, and 5 “safety schools” - links: - side-by-side comparison of two different colleges students are interested in - interest inventories, career quizzes, and personality tests - information about test preparation and registration for tests such as the ACTs and SATs - downloadable scholarship forms and online applications for colleges and universities

9 Bob Turba’s Cyber Guidance Office Tools to help w/ post-secondary planning (mostly college) Targets high school students and their parents

10 Bob Turba’s Cyber Guidance Office Bob Turba’s Cyber Guidance Office - cont. Links - official homepages for colleges and universities - colleges in groupings such as religion or specialty areas of study - test preparation and on-line registration - financial aid and scholarship opportunities - variety to assist with career planning Request transcripts Fill out on-line college applications Assistance and sample questions for writing essays and interviews “Planning Calendar”- provides a time-line for juniors and seniors to plan out their preparation and what they need to do when to stay on-track w/ application process

11 School Guidance Counseling Sites Various types of links- most useful are links to assist w/ college preparation Targets high school students, parents, guidance counselors

12 School Guidance Counseling Sites School Guidance Counseling Sites - cont. Link to CollegeBoard - provides assistance with SAT registration - Financial Aid Profile - college searches - workshops and resources for counselors to assist students with planning Link to College and Career Information for Counselors - information about study skills for tests - resources for college-bound athletes - on-line college search - study skills tips - scholarship and financial aid search

13 College Board Tools to help students pursing college or a career after high school Targets high school students, parents, and educators

14 College Board College Board - cont. “Quick Finder”- helps students find a college that matches their interests registering for ACTs and SATs retrieving score report SAT preparation with useful sample questions. “College Planning Kit”- prepares students and walk them through the application process posts current job openings and on-line applications for the jobs

15 Busy Teacher’s Website K-12/ High School Guidance & Counseling Various types of links to assist with post- secondary planning Targets high school students, parents, educators, and guidance counselors

16 Busy Teacher’s Website K-12/ High School Guidance & Counseling - cont.Busy Teacher’s Website K-12/ High School Guidance & Counseling colleges and universities across the nation listed alphabetically degrees and areas of certification available from each university virtual tours of many major campuses rankings that rate colleges in various categories financial aid information and SAT/ACT preparation “What can I do with a major in…”- provides information for students on types of jobs that they can pursue with different majors and degrees

17 Conclusion Closing remarks- audio recording Closing remarks- audio recording

18 Additional Resources Click on the titles below to view the file Research Paper - SampleSample Internet Address Book

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