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Pennsylvania State University Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate June 12-14, 2007.

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1 Pennsylvania State University Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate June 12-14, 2007

2 Penn State offers a Ph.D. & D.Ed. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is conferred in recognition of high attainment and productive scholarship in some special field of learning as evidenced by: 1.The satisfactory completion of a prescribed period of study and investigation; 2.The preparation and formal acceptance of a thesis involving independent research; 3.The successful passing of examinations covering both the special subject and the general field of learning of which this subject forms a part.

3 The D.Ed. degree is conferred in recognition of advanced preparation of a high order for work in the profession of education as evidenced by: 1.Satisfactory completion of a prescribed period of study; 2.Ability to apply scientific principles to practitioner problems in a variety of education endeavors; 3.Preparation of a thesis demonstrating ability to undertake an educational problem with originality and independent thought; 4.Successful performance on major and minor examinations, showing a satisfactory grasp of the field of specialization and its relation to allied education areas.

4 The following programs offer the Ph.D. and D.Ed.: Higher Education Administration Educational Leadership Instructional Systems Workforce Education Curriculum and Instruction Adult Education Counselor Education

5 The following programs only offer the Ph.D only: Educational Theory and Policy Educational Psychology School Psychology Counseling Psychology Special Education

6 Work underway: –Committee in place to examine Ph.D. and D.Ed. across 12 fields of education study (meetings, on- line discussion group, common readings) –Some D.Ed. programs are popular and we are trying to learn from those to help other programs. Some D.Ed. programs have a lack of faculty support. –Ph.D. is designed as research degree to expand knowledge base and theoretical understandings in each education field. –D.Ed. focuses on applied research and practice in education

7 Goals for project - To have clear understandings of the differences between the Ph.D. and D.Ed. Degrees, and to articulate these based on the missions and objectives of the respective programs - To ensure that we are not relying unreasonably on the Ph.D. to meet the needs of our students - To provide appropriate, well-designed, and rigorous advanced programs of study for graduate students

8 Actions steps to be taken: –Committee work is in progress –Committee will consider appropriateness of offering the D.Ed given the program area and its goals –Committee needs to study waxing/waning of Ph.D and D.Ed in various fields and gauge decisions based on the field –Committee will make recommendations for next steps

9 Evaluation –Responses will be collected from program graduates and their employers –Programs will be benchmarked with others in the field –Faculty will continue to evaluate programs through self study

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