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EE3417 Lab Session Week 1. Turn on your computer. Open MATLAB The slides are uploaded in Blackboard Quiz on June 12 (Week 2) Syllabus: Week 1, 2 My TA.

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Presentation on theme: "EE3417 Lab Session Week 1. Turn on your computer. Open MATLAB The slides are uploaded in Blackboard Quiz on June 12 (Week 2) Syllabus: Week 1, 2 My TA."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE3417 Lab Session Week 1

2 Turn on your computer. Open MATLAB The slides are uploaded in Blackboard Quiz on June 12 (Week 2) Syllabus: Week 1, 2 My TA hours Email:

3 MATLAB Overview When MATLAB launched, Command Window Appears Command prompt(>>) in Command Windows to accept instruction or input Objects → Data Objects are placed in MATLAB workspace >> a = 4; b = 3+2j; c = a * b; whos → Another way to view workspace >> whos who → short version of whos -> reports only the names of workspace objects >> who clear a → remove specific variables (a) from the workspace >> clear a clc → clears the command window >> clc help -> most important and useful command for new users >> help whos exit -> terminates MATLAB

4 Algebra of Complex Number Complex number: z = a + jb Re z = a; Im z = b Complex number expressed in polar coordinates (r,θ) a = rcos θ, b = rsin θ, z = r(cos θ+ jsin θ) Euler Formulae: e jθ =cos θ + jsin θ, z = r e jθ z = |z|e j ∠z |z| = r = √(a 2 + b 2 ) ∠z = θ = tan -1 (b/a), π≥ θ ≥-π Conjugate of z, z* = a – jb = r e -jθ = |z|e -j ∠z zz* = (a+jb)(a-jb) = a 2 + b 2 = |z| 2 Useful Identities (7) e ∓ jnπ = -1, n → odd integer ⇨ e ∓ j(2n+1)π = -1, n → integer e ∓ j2nπ = 1, n → integer

5 Complex Number – A common mistake z 1 = a +jb z 2 =-a -jb θ1θ1 θ2θ2 ∠ z 1 = tan-1(b/a) = θ 1 ∠ z 2 = tan-1(-b/-a) = θ 2 ∠ z 2 ≠ ∠ z 1 ∠ z 2 = θ 2 = θ 1 - 180 z 1 = -a +jb z 2 =a -jb θ1θ1 θ2θ2 ∠ z 1 = tan-1(b/-a) = θ 1 ∠ z 2 = tan-1(-b/a) = θ 2 ∠ z 1 ≠ ∠ z 2 ∠ z 1 = θ 1 = 180 + θ 2 Example B.1 (9)

6 Complex Number - MATLAB Matlab predefines i = j = >> z = -3-j4 real and imag operators extract real and imaginary components of z. >> z_real = real(z) >> z_imag = imag(z) Modulus or Magnitude of a complex number >> z_mag = sqrt(z_real^2+z_imag^2) |z| 2 = zz* >> z_mag = sqrt(z*conj(z)) >> z_mag = abs(z) Angle of a complex number >> z_rad = atan2(z_mag, z_real) atan2 -> two-argument arc-tangent function; ensures the angle reflects in the proper quadrant. >> z_rad = angle(z) MATLAB function pol2cart number polar form to Cartesian form z = 4 e -j(3π/4) >> [z_real, z_imag] = pol2cart(-3*pi/4,4)

7 Complex Number - Exercise Determine z 1 z 2 and z 1 /z 2 if z 1 = 3+j4 and z 2 = 2+3j >> Verify your results using MATLAB Convert your results from Cartesian coordinate to Polar coordinate >> Verify your results using MATLAB function pol2cart (13)

8 MATLAB - Vector Operation Vectors of even valued integers >> k = 0:2:11 Negative and noninteger step sizes >> k = 11:-10/3:0 If step size not speified, value of one assumed >> k = 0:11 In MATLAB, ascending positive integer indices specify particular vector elements. >> k(5), k(1:4), Vector representation to create signals 10 Hz sinusoid described by f(t) = sin(2π10t+π/6) when 0≤t<0.2 >> t = 0:0.0004:0.2-0.0004; f = sin(2*pi*10*t+pi/6); f(1) Find the three cube roots of minus 1, → >> k = 0:2; >> w = exp(j*(pi/3 + 2*pi*k/3)) Exercise (56) Find the 100 cube roots of minus 1?

9 Simple Plotting MATLAB’s plot command >> plot(t,f); Axis labels are added using xlabel and ylabel >> xlabel(‘t’); ylabel(‘f(t)’) Plotting discrete points, 100 unique roots of w^100=-1 >> plot(real(w), imag(w), ‘o’); >> xlabel(‘Re(w)’); ylabel(‘Im(w)’); >> axis equal

10 Element by Element Operations Multiplication, Division and Power x = [5 4 6]; y = [1 2 3]; >> x_mul_y = x * y >> x_elem_mul_y = x.*y >> x_div_y = x/y >> x_elem_div_y = x./y >> x_elem_pow_y = x.^y Suppose h(t) = f(t)g(t) where g(t) = exp(-10*t) >> g = exp(-10*t); >> h = f.*g; >> plot (t,f,’-k’,t,h,’-b’); >> xlabel(‘t’); ylabel(‘Amplitude’); >> legend (‘f(t)’,’h(t)); h g(t) Damped Sinusoid

11 Matrix Operation Common Useful function eye(m) creates the m×m identity matrix >> eye(3) ones(m,n) creates the m×n matrix of all ones >> ones(2,3) zeros(m,n) creates the m×n matrix of all zeros >> zeros(3,2) Row vector >> r = [1 3 2]; A 2×3 matrix >> A = [2 3; 4 5; 0 6];

12 Matrix Operation Transpose >> c= r’; Concatenation >> B = [c A]; Matrix inverse >> D = inv(B); Matrix indices >> B(1,2) >> B(1:2,2:3) Colon can be used to specify all elements along a specified dimension >> B(2,:) >> B(:,2)

13 Matrix Operation Solve Ax = y; x = A -1 Ax = A -1 y >> A = [1 -2 -3; -sqrt(3) 1 –sqrt(5); 3 –sqrt(7) 1]; >> y = [1; pi; exp(1)]; >> x = inv(A)*y,

14 function handle handle = @(arglist)anonymous_function constructs an anonymous function and returns a handle to that function. arglist is a comma-separated list of input arguments. The statement below creates an anonymous function that finds the square of a number. To execute the function associated with it fhandle(arg1, arg2,..., argN) >> sqr = @(x) x.^2; >> a = sqr(5);

15 function handle fplot function → Plot function between specified limits fplot(fun,limits); fplot(sqr,[-10 20 -1 20]); Unit Step Function step = @(x)(x>=0); fplot(step,[-1 5 -1 5]); step = @(x)(x-2>=0); fplot(step,[-1 5 -1 5]);

16 Functions Unit Pulse Function >> u = @(x)and((x =1)); >> fplot(u,[-5 5 -1 3],10000); >> u = @(x)and(((x+2) =1)); >> figure(); fplot(u,[-5 5 -1 3],10000); >> u = @(x)and(((2*x) =1)); >> fplot(u,[-5 5 -1 3],10000); Piecewise function >> f1 = @(x)(2*x)*and((x =5)); >> fplot(f1,[-10 20 -10 30]); 10 20 510

17 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector For an (n×n) square matrix A, and vector x (x≠0) that satisfy the eq Ax = λx ----- eq(i) is an eigenvector and λ is the corresponding eigenvalue of A Q(λ) = |λI – A| = λ n +a n-1 λ n-1 +…+a 1 λ+a 0 λ 0 = 0 Q(λ)→ characteristic polynomial of matrix A. The n zeros of the polynomial are the eigenvalues of A. Corresponding to each eigenvalue, there is an eigenvector that satisfies eq(i) Example B.13 (47)

18 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Applications Tacoma Narrow Bridge collapsing Constructed at 1940s. Crashed by winds which set bridge oscillated at a frequency closed to its own natural frequency. Natural frequency of the bridge is the eigenvalue of smallest magnitude of a system that models the bridge. The eigenvalue of smallest magnitude of a matrix is the same as the inverse (reciprocal) of the dominant eigenvalue of the inverse of the matrix. Eigenvalues can also be used to test for cracks or deformities in a solid. Car designers analyze eigenvalues in order to damp out the noise so that the occupants have a quiet ride.

19 Eigenvalue and Eigenvector MATLAB poly(A) to determine Characteristic Polynomial of matrix A (n×n) Output is a row vector with n+1 elements that are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial >> A = [3 2 -2; -3 -1 3; 1 2 0]; >> poly(A) roots(C) computes the roots of the polynomial whose coefficients are the elements of the vector C. >> roots(poly(A)) The command in the form [V D] = eig(A) computes both the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A. >> [V D] = eig(A)

20 Partial Fraction Expansion Rational function F(x) can be expressed as = P(x)/Q(x) The function F(x) is improper if m≥n and proper if m<n An improper function can always be separated into sum of a polynomial in x and a proper function. A proper function can be further expanded into partial fraction

21 Partial Fraction Expansion Method of Clearing Fraction The Heaviside “Cover-up” Method Repeated Factors of Q(x) If a function F(x) has a repeated factor in its denominator, Its partial expansion is given by Example B.8 Example B.9 Example B.10 (27) (29) (33)

22 Partial Fraction Expansions Partial fraction expansion of rational function F(x) = B(x)/A(x) MATLAB residue command. The basic form: >> [R,P,K] = residue(B,A); B → Polynomial coefficient of the numerator A → Polynomial coefficient of the denominator This vectors are ordered in descending powers of the independent variable R → coefficient of each partial fraction P → contain the corresponding roots of each partial fraction For a root repeated r times, the r partial fractions are ordered in ascending powers. K → the direct terms, when the ration function is not proper They are ordered in descending powers of independent variable

23 Partial Fraction Expansions Solve >> [R,P,K] = residue([1 0 0 0 0 pi],[1 -sqrt(8) 0 sqrt(32) -4]) R = 7.88885.97133.11070.1112 P = 1.41421.41421.4142-1.4142 K = 1.00002.8284 (64)

24 Partial Fraction Expansion Exercise Compute by hand the partial fraction expansion of Verify your solution using MATLAB

25 MATLAB SCRIPT The command window is to design and execute individual command one at a time >> x = 1:10; >> y=log(x) >> plot(x,y) To automate the execution of many commands - matlab program/script MATLAB program - collection of MATLAB command and function stored in disk as a text file of type.m MATLAB editor – To run F5 FOR loop clear all; x = (1:1000)'; for k = 1:5 Y(:,k)=k*log(x); end plot(x,y)

26 MATLAB FUNCTION Syntax function [y1,...,yN] = myfun(x1,...,xM) Open a new script file and save it as eval_log_func.m Write a function that output multiple log functions function eval_log_func(maxLoop) x = (1:1000)' for k = 1:maxLoop y(:,k)=k*log(x); end plot(x,y) In Command window >> clear all; >> g = eval_log_func(10);

27 MATLAB Function - Exercise Write a function (N_root.m) that will calculate the N th root of -1. Here, N is the input Write a script that will vary N from 1:5 call N_root each time to find N th roots display the discrete N th roots

28 Integral syms: shortcut for creating symbolic variables and functions Syntax: syms var1... varN >> syms x y Symbolic Integration Syntax: int(expr,var) computes the indefinite integral of expr with respect to var Syntax : int(expr, var, a, b) computes the definite integral of expr with respect to var from a to b. a and b: Number or symbolic expression, including expressions with infinities.

29 Integral >> syms x; >> int(-2*x/(1 + x^2)^2,x) >> int(x*log(1 + x), 0, 1) >> int((6*exp(-(x-2)))^2,2,Inf);

30 MATLAB FUNCTION Syntax function [y1,...,yN] = myfun(x1,...,xM) Open a new script file and save it as eval_log_func.m Write a function that output multiple log functions function eval_log_func(maxLoop) x = (1:1000)' for k = 1:maxLoop y(:,k)=k*log(x); end plot(x,y) In Command window >> clear all; >> g = eval_log_func(10);

31 MATLAB Function - Exercise Write a function (N_root.m) that will calculate the N th root of -1. Here, N is the input Write a script that will vary N from 1:5 call N_root each time to find N th roots display the discrete N th roots

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