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Presentation by Heath Booth. Real Numbers are possible outcomes of measurement. Excludes imaginary or complex numbers. Includes Whole numbers Natural.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Heath Booth. Real Numbers are possible outcomes of measurement. Excludes imaginary or complex numbers. Includes Whole numbers Natural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Heath Booth

2 Real Numbers are possible outcomes of measurement. Excludes imaginary or complex numbers. Includes Whole numbers Natural numbers Integers Rational numbers Irrationals numbers

3 Likely the first number determined to be irrational. Measurements on this simple triangle generate a number, the square root of two, which can only be represented by a non-repeating non-terminating decimal. Source:

4 Calculations of the value of the square root of 2 1.4142135623746... Has been calculated a trillion decimal places. We still cannot predict the next digit We have all seen the proof which rely on the simplest form property of the rationals to show a contradiction. How many rational numbers can we name?

5 How many irrational numbers can we name? Believe it or not almost all of the real numbers are irrational! Source ( This makes sense when we consider the infinite nature of the real numbers combined with notion that the rational numbers are countable. Write on the board a decimal which is irrational.

6 History: Approximations of Babylonians – 2000 BC Tablets of approximations of square and cube roots Tablet YBC 7289 Approximately 1.41421297

7 History: Possible Babylonian method: Find the range Midpoint Second approximation:

8 History: Approximations of China - 12 th century BC = 3 Egypt – 1650 BC = India – 628 AD = 3, and (as of 499) Depending upon desired accuracy.

9 Archimedes (287-212 BC) First recorded theoretical derivation Resulted in or 3.1408450 < < 3.1428571

10 Developmental: Doesn’t come up until square roots are introduced We can not accurately measure the diagonal of the unit square. Students are puzzled by this idea

11 Developmental: Upper level elementary students often complete simplified versions of the early attempts methods to approximate Pi. Ratio – C/D – direct measurement Archimedes – trap method There is little discussion about how to treat these approximations in basic mathematical operations.

12 Developmental: Consider the gold problem again: Amounts collected and accuracy of scale used 1.14 grams - scale accurate to.01 gram.089 grams – scale accurate to.001 gram.3 grams – scale accurate to.1 gram How much gold do we have? Work in your groups.

13 Developmental: Added directly the total is 1.529 Does this account for the type of scale used? 1.14 accurate to.01 = 1.135 – 1.145.089 accurate to.001 =.0885 -.0895.3 accurate to.1 =.25 -.35 1.475 – 1.584 grams

14 Arithmetic with the Reals: Now try in your groups.

15 Subtraction: Similar to addition

16 Multiplication: BUT: Consider:

17 Multiplication: Try in your groups

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