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JUNE 11, 2015 Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC; Westat, Inc.; and GEM Software Development, Inc. EVALUATION OF INAM.

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Presentation on theme: "JUNE 11, 2015 Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC; Westat, Inc.; and GEM Software Development, Inc. EVALUATION OF INAM."— Presentation transcript:

1 JUNE 11, 2015 Paul T. Bucci PhD, LLC; Westat, Inc.; and GEM Software Development, Inc. EVALUATION OF INAM

2 Data Being Collected on Students Entrance survey—demographic characteristics, attitudes, program entered Transcript and college record data—courses taken, certificates earned Exit surveys when leave or complete program—reasons for leaving, opinions about program, current employment status, current education status, attitudes Followup survey at end of study (still coming)— current employment status, current education status, attitudes Wage data from IDES 2

3 Other Data Being Collected Focus groups and interviews at all 21 colleges Comparison group of similar students Focus groups of employers Surveys of key stakeholders

4 Preliminary Observations There is neither a uniform iNAM experience nor a uniform program impact. Some institutions have changed much more than others Particularly those with new or initially small programs versus larger and established programs In recent site visits to 7 colleges, 5 reported no changes in the characteristics of their student populations, while 2 colleges reported change (the changes included getting more high-risk students and getting older students). 4

5 Number of Students Enrolled, by Term in Which They Started

6 Reasons Why Students Came to iNAM 6

7 Educational Goal at Time of Enrollment

8 Student Outcomes

9 Student Outcomes by Field of Study NOTE: Data are preliminary and subject to change.

10 Barriers to Attending College

11 Percentage of Students Receiving Supports and Their Evaluation of the Supports 11

12 In What Ways has iNAM made a Difference? For colleges Growth in programs Purchase of equipment and supplies Revisions to curriculum Cooperation across colleges For students Increased emphasis on outside credentials Sometimes increased counseling/support Employment/credential sometimes results in terminating enrollment

13 How Has iNAM Changed From What Was Planned? Targeting and recruitment Few (6 percent) are TAA eligible. Few (3 percent) are eligible Veterans. Prior learning assessments are little used Use of education planning as support tool varies widely Less use of internships Relatively little awareness of iNAM as a marketing tool Students often are unaware of iNAM. Students seem to care because of the in-district tuition feature (and possibly for additional course-taking options). Awareness of the consortium increases the credibility of the program, and makes it easier to recruit them to it. Faculty vary in awareness

14 Your Time to Ask Questions

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