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Brad Cousins, University of Ottawa Bessa Whitmore, Carleton University Lyn Shulha, Queen’s University CANADA IDEAS Global Assembly:

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Presentation on theme: "Brad Cousins, University of Ottawa Bessa Whitmore, Carleton University Lyn Shulha, Queen’s University CANADA IDEAS Global Assembly:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brad Cousins, University of Ottawa Bessa Whitmore, Carleton University Lyn Shulha, Queen’s University CANADA IDEAS Global Assembly: Amman Jordan, April 2011

2 The Problem  Accountability vs. learning functions of evaluation of development  Think tanks on alternatives to the ‘statistical counterfactual’  Increasing popularity of collaborative approaches to evaluation  Important to get it right  Troubling recent developments: i) deconstructing dimensions of process; ii) visual representation of theory; iii) compartmentalization of CPE

3 Background  30+ year history of collaborative inquiry in development  1993 Fetterman and Empowerment Evaluation  CPE – TIG  Rise of Practical Participatory Evaluation P-PE  Cousins & Whitmore (1998): Framing PE

4 Participatory Evaluation as Collaborative Social Inquiry P RAGMATIC P OLITICAL E PISTOMOLOGICAL Problem solving Fairness Produce valid knowledge Two streams: Practical PE Transformative PE Three justifications

5 Cousins, J. B. & Whitmore, E. (1998). Framing participatory evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 80, 5-23. Framing Participatory Evaluation



8 i) Deconstruction Re-visited  Daigneault & Jacob (2009)  Coherence  Parsimony  External differentiation  “We had it right the first time.”

9 ii) The Logic of Logic Models?  Alkin and associates: use LM in evaluation theory to  Compare  Training needs  Inconsistencies  Drawbacks  Rigidity, pre-ordinate  Risk of under-representing context, culture  Mechanistic representation of dynamic process

10 iii) Re-thinking compartmentalization  CPE: one big happy family in search of individual identity.  Why?  Lack of clarity in differentiation.

11 Accountability/Outcome/Impact Formative/Improvement Developmental Capacity Building Process Use Knowledge Transfer Context Call for Collaborative Inquiry What control should I have over the evaluation process? Who should participate? How engaged should participants be? Essential features of CI in E

12 Toward Coherent Principles for CI in E  Open, collaborative process involving evaluators and stakeholders  Working draft, subject to review and revision  Field test and develop evidence base.

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