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S TUDY S KILLS B ASICS Study smarter—not harder. A NSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : What has worked for me? What has not worked?

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Presentation on theme: "S TUDY S KILLS B ASICS Study smarter—not harder. A NSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : What has worked for me? What has not worked?"— Presentation transcript:

1 S TUDY S KILLS B ASICS Study smarter—not harder

2 A NSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS : What has worked for me? What has not worked?

3 P ROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT — YOUR BRAIN ! Nourishment Sleep (memory consolidates during REM sleep) Movement/exercise

4 W ORDS OF W ISDOM Review notes same day for 10-20 minutes per class Visit with professors Always review tests in prof.'s office Become a morning person Study ahead Put away the phone/email/text when studying and in class Pay attention in class (PATP)

5 3 MOST EFFECTIVE PRACTICES Preview before class Even 5 minutes is helpful Concentrate during class Review briefly class material same day 10-20 minutes

6 G ET O RGANIZED 3 ring notebook Hole punch Insert handouts/extra materials immediately Use post-it tabs to note location of test/review sheets/summaries Make schedule

7 L EARN A CTIVELY Discuss or explain topics to others Study in (well chosen) groups “Do something” with the material Involve movement with studying Draw or flow charts Make audio flash cards Quiz self

8 4 Reflect 3 Revie w The Study Cycle 1 Set a Goal (1-2 min) Decide what you want to accomplish in your study session 2 Study with Focus (30-50 min) Interact with material - organize, concept map, summarize, process, re-read, fill- in notes, reflect, etc. 3 Reward Yourself (10-15 min) Take a break – call a friend, play a short game, get a snack 4 Review (5 min) Go over what you just studied *Intense Study Sessions Attend Review Study Attend class – GO TO CLASS! Answer and ask questions and take meaningful notes. Preview before class – Skim the chapter, note headings and boldface words, review summaries and chapter objectives, and come up with questions you’d like the lecture to answer for you. Review after class – As soon after class as possible, read notes, fill in gaps and note any questions. Assess your Learning – Periodically perform reality checks Am I using study methods that are effective? Do I understand the material enough to teach it to others? Preview C enter for A cademic S uccess B-31 Coates Hall ▪ 225.578.2872 ▪ Assess Study – Repetition is the key. Ask questions such as ‘why’, ‘how’, and ‘what if’. Intense Study Sessions* - 3-5 short study sessions per day Weekend Review – Read notes and material from the week to make connections

9 K EYS TO L EARNING B ASED ON C OGNITIVE S CIENCE F INDINGS Deep factual and procedural knowledge of a discipline is required to solve complex problems Learning is a continuous process; repetition is the key New knowledge must be tied to existing knowledge Learning should involve both sides of the brain and several learning styles

10 R EFLECT ON WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Think about the material and potential applications before memorizing Summarize notes or readings in your own words Re-reading is the least efficient form of study

11 T IPS FOR I MPROVED M EMORY Study during the day (60=90) Study while relaxed/meditate 5 min before studying Study actively and in variety of ways Breaks help memory storage Sleep is essential to memory Repetition across time Breakfast and Snacks!

12 P RACTICE TAKING TESTS Take tests when blood sugar is up—eat a snack before each test. We remember most what we are tested on…

13 W HEN REVIEWING EXAMS Review the entire test Pay attention to right answers Figure out why answers are wrong Check scantron for accuracy

14 C ONCENTRATION ! Be intentional Notice where your thought are wandering Be aware of your daily peaks and valleys Use exercise to help your alertness Choose topics based on your alertness

15 B E FLEXIBLE Each course may require different techniques

16 P UT OFF P ROCRASTINATION ! Realistic Goals Reward Yourself One Minute Rule Set Ending Time Keep Desk Clear-Organized

17 N OTICE YOUR THOUGHTS Do you cheer for self or heckle?

18 P RACTICE P OSITIVE T HINKING Notice Negative Thoughts Challenge them Replace with positive thoughts

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