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12.2 OBJECTIVES: Summarize economic problems in the South.

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1 12.2 OBJECTIVES: Summarize economic problems in the South.
Identify the differences among members of the Republican party in the South. List efforts of former slaves to improve their lives Describe changes in the Southern economy

Made up of: Scalawags: Carpetbaggers: Freedmen: What were the differences? Were these positive or negative names?

3 Southern conditions Land and homes were destroyed
20% of white males were killed in war Many more were maimed In one county of Alabama, wealth per capita among whites dropped from $18,000 in 1860 to about $3,000 in 1870

4 Southern Counter-Reaction
New Southern govts pass Black Codes Racial politics enforced (segregation) Race riots & lynchings KKK, vigilante “justice” Sharecropping instituted Jim Crow laws, disenfranchisement of Freedmen

Curfews = Generally, black people could not gather after sunset Vagrancy Laws = Freedmen convicted of vagrancy – that is, not working – could be fined, whipped, and sold for a year’s labor Labor contracts = Freedmen had to sign agreements in January for a year of work. Those who quit in the middle of a contract often lost all the wages they had earned Land restrictions = freed people could rent land or homes only in rural areas. This restriction forced them to live on plantations. FREEDOM TO OWN LAND FREEDOM TO LEARN FREEDOM TO WORSHIP FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT

6 Ku Klux Klan meeting Ku Klux Klan meeting In this picture, the artist has portrayed a group of bizarrely dressed Klansmen contemplating the murder of a white Republican. (Library of Congress) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

7 Black sharecropping family in front of their cabin
SHARECROPPING = system of farming in which a farmer tends some portion of a planter’s land and receives a share of the crop at harvest time as payment. Black sharecropping family in front of their cabin Sharecropping gave African Americans more control over their labor than did labor contracts. But sharecropping also contributed to the south's dependence on one-crop agriculture and helped to perpetuate widespread rural poverty. (Library of Congress) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Poor whites & Freedmen have no jobs, no homes, and no money to buy food. Poor whites & freedmen sign contracts to work a landlord’s acreage in exchange for part of the crop. Landlord keeps track of the money that sharecroppers owe him for housing and food. At harvest time, the sharecropper owes more to the landlord than his share of the crop is worth. Share cropper cannot leave the farm as long as he is in debt to the landlord.

9 Map: The Barrow Plantation, 1860 and 1881
The transformation of the Barrow plantation in Oglethorpe County, Georgia, illustrates the striking changes in southern agriculture during Reconstruction. Before the Civil War, about 135 slaves worked on the plantation, supervised by an overseer and a slave foreman. After the war, the former slaves who remained on the plantation signed labor contracts with owner David Crenshaw Barrow. Supervised by a hired foreman, the freedmen grew cotton for wages in competing squads, but they disliked the new arrangement. In the late 1860s, Barrow subdivided his land into tenant farms of twenty-five to thirty acres, and freedmen moved their households from the old slave quarters to their own farms. By 1881, 161 tenants lived on the Barrow plantation, at least half of them children. One out of four families was named Barrow. Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

10 TERMS Scalawag Carpetbagger Hiram Revels Sharecropping Tenant farming
Summarize economic problems in the South. Identify the differences among members of the Republican party in the South. List efforts of former slaves to improve their lives Describe changes in the Southern economy

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