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TitleHCA Supporting Housing for Older Age. Event Capita Sheltered Housing Conference NameKevin McGeough Senior Strategy Manager Date4 th December 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "TitleHCA Supporting Housing for Older Age. Event Capita Sheltered Housing Conference NameKevin McGeough Senior Strategy Manager Date4 th December 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 TitleHCA Supporting Housing for Older Age. Event Capita Sheltered Housing Conference NameKevin McGeough Senior Strategy Manager Date4 th December 2012

2 Supporting Independent Living in older age  The Scale of the Issue  HCA supporting older persons housing  HCA quality and independence in housing for older people (Happi)  Care and Support for Specialised Housing Fund (CaSSH)

3 Scale of the issue  The number of over 60s is projected to increase by 7 million over the next 25 years ONS 2009  To 2029 the population aged 75+ is projected to rise by 47% in urban areas, and by 90% in rural areas Lifetime Homes Lifetime Neighbourhoods 2008

4 60% projected growth in households is 65+ year old households (2008-2033)

5 Scale of the issue  Dementia is projected to increase 44% among the over 65s by 2025 ILC UK 2008  Over 700,000 over 65s don’t get out more than once a week Help the Aged 2007

6 1950 2010 19701990


8 HCA Supporting Housing for Older People

9 HCA delivering for older people National Affordable Housing Programme 2008-11  Investment of £1.017 bn in specialist housing  Delivered 18,150 new specialist homes  £579m invested in housing for older people  Additiojnally 1692 PFI extracare units The HCA believes that a strong and sustainable community needs to include all its members, including those who are older or vulnerable.

10 Affordable Homes Programme 2011-15  £4.5bn (£2.3bn existing commitments)  Meeting locally identified needs  80% Market rent  9.5% for supported housing  encourages a spectrum of provision to meet the needs of older people: “Helping deliver the Government’s ambition to build up to 170,000 new high quality affordable homes by 2015”

11 HCA delivering for older people

12 Improving the Quality of Housing for Older People “Happi” Housing our ageing population: panel for innovation

13 Improving the quality of housing for older people  Challenge perceptions and raise the aspirations and ensure that future homes and are fit for purpose, functional and adaptable to future needs  Raise awareness of the possibilities offered through innovative approaches to the design of housing and neighbourhoods

14 The Approach

15 “Happi” Design Principles

16 Space & layout

17 Light & ventilation

18 Balconies or terraces

19 Care Ready

20 Circulation space

21 Communal space

22 Quality of outdoor space

23 Environmental concern

24 Adequate storage

25 Shared external surfaces

26 Location

27  Kidbrooke regeneration  Core & cluster  Less institutional  Mainly 2 bed dual aspect flats The Happi-effect

28 Kidbrooke Extra Care, Greenwich  PRP architects and Berkeley Urban Renaissance  300 Extra Care Flats The Happi-effect

29 Trees Extra Care, N6  PRP architects  Hill Homes  One Housing Group  40 homes –21 x 1b –19 x 2b  100% rent HAPPI Design Awards - 2011

30 The Care and Support for Specialised Housing Fund

31 Care and Support for Specialised Housing CaSSH Fund  White Paper – Caring for our future: reforming care and support  Re-establishes links between Health and Housing  £200m announcement 2013-2018  Up to £300m  Additional £100m potential focus on 2013/15  London – separate fund  Launched 26 th October 2012

32 Care and Support for Specialised Housing Fund Ministerial Foreword The 2009 report of the Housing our Ageing Population : Panel for innovation (HAPPI) showcased best practice from across Europe, and the principles of that report form the backbone of the bidding guidance. Crucially, The HAPPI ethos and principles are to be widened through this fund to address the needs of disabled groups, to ensure that high quality housing is delivered in great places, tuned to local need and demand. Norman Lamb, Minister for Care services

33  Specialised housing opportunities for older people  Adults with disabilities or mental Health problems Care and Support for Specialised Housing CaSSH Fund


35 Community-led housing with mutual support Herfra til Evigheden, Roskilde, Denmark

36 Colliers Gardens, Bristol

37 Dementia focus – for independent living Gradman Haus, Stuttgart, Germany

38 Specialised housing opportunities for older people  Individual housing with their own front doors  Flexibility to adapt or install assistive technology  Availability of care and support – on-site or in a local and accessible location  Communal areas

39  Assessment criteria –Value for money –Deliverability –Fit with local strategic priorities –Sustainability –Design and Quality  2 Phase approach – social and private  18 th January 2013, Phase 1 deadline  15 th March 2013, Phase 2 expression of Interest2 Care and Support for Specialised Housing CaSSH Fund

40 “Since my accident in 2009 I’ve been in care homes or hospital and it feels like I’ve been living in a cocoon, I currently don’t have a life as such and this is my chance for freedom – when I can transform from a caterpillar into a butterfly. Gary, aged 54, is tetraplegic and is living at Prince Charles House with a full time carer.

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