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Make me a Superhero!. Session 1 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Make me a Superhero!. Session 1 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make me a Superhero!

2 Session 1 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To understand what ‘resilience’ is To write a definition for the word ‘resilience’ To identify the characteristics of resilient people.

3 Resilience... what is it?

4 Weebles wobble but they don’t fall down! Some people seem to be better at bouncing back than others. Why might that be?

5 Task With a talking partner, write your own definition for the word ‘resilience’.

6 Sir Chris Hoy What do you think helps these people to be more resilient? Mo Farah Katie Piper Prof. Robert WinstonEllie SimmondsJessica Ennis J K Rowling

7 Think What are the characteristics of resilient people? Michael Jordan ‘failure’ video MioJ5szc MioJ5szc KS2 Y1/2 R/Y1 Sesame Street ’What I am’ video Vzjoj96vs Vzjoj96vs

8 Session 2

9 Make me a Superhero! Session 2 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To understand what negative unhelpful thoughts are and how these stop us learning and achieving To identify a time when I have had a negative thought To be able to replace negative thoughts with productive positive ones To have a bank of positive phrases to use in times of need.


11 The Inner Chimp – don’t listen to him!

12 Task Think of a time when you have felt really challenged at school. What was your ‘Inner Chimp’ telling you at this time?

13 Learning Line Origami Superhero

14 Real Life Superheroes We can’t fly and we don’t have X-ray vision. Being a real-life superhero is about finding your strength and using it to do good, be that physical, mental or positive values (empathy, compassion, love). Superheroes want to do good for others. They have initiative, they have confidence in their abilities and they usually believe that they can accomplish anything that they set out to do. The voice in their head is telling them that they can do it!

15 Think What superhero do you want to be? Who is your enemy - your Inner Chimp? Name it e.g. doubt, impatience, short attention span etc.

16 Challenge Think about what your superhero self would be saying to you when you are facing a new challenge. Using your worksheet from before, make a list of all the different phrases that he or she would use to encourage you.

17 “ A hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” Christopher Reeve

18 Session 3

19 Make me a Superhero! Session 3 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To identify personal strengths and talents To identify what I need to get better at (for being a superhero) To assert thoughts and feelings.

20 Task – Work with a critical friend Using the Powers board to select from, choose one of the powers/skills that your friend possesses and explain a time when you have witnessed him or her using it.

21 KS1 Powers Board Powers PatientDeterminedCompassionateCalm I’m good at waitingI don’t give up easilyI think about other people’s feelings and I care about them I think before I respond and I don’t get angry easily Good problem solver AdventurousAthleticCreative I think carefully about a problem and plan out how to deal with it I’m quite daring and I like to get stuck into an adventure I’m fit and activeI like to make and draw things and I’m good at finding interesting ways of doing things LogicalHonestOptimisticCurious I think clearly and use my knowledge of what has happened before to help make decisions I tell the truthI always look on the bright side and expect good things to happen I’m interested in the world around me and like to find out new things ConscientiousEnergeticHelpfulGood- humoured I work hard and very carefully making sure I do the best job that I can I always have lots of energy to do new things I like to help other peopleI see the funny side of things and I don’t mind making a mistake

22 Powers PatientDeterminedCompassionateCalm Willing or able to wait calmly when faced with delay or obstacles, or when tempted to take immediate action. Steadily persevering; persisting. a feeling of sharing another's suffering, prompting a desire to relieve that suffering; commiseration; clemency. Good problem solverTenaciousAthleticCreative holding on or tending to hold on strongly or persistently (If you are tenacious, you may realize a dream that seems impossible). LogicalHonestOptimisticAdventurous clear thinking following with logic or reason from prior events or statements. expecting or tending to expect favourable outcomes. ConscientiousEnergeticHelpfulSensitive done in accordance with one's conscience; scrupulous. Precise; meticulous; careful. Good-humouredCharmingCuriousIntelligent KS2 Powers Board

23 Challenge - Aspirational powers – think about a power that you would you like to develop further, maybe something that you find tricky at the moment? How might you develop these powers further?

24 Origami Superhero

25 Session 4

26 Make me a Superhero! Session 4 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To identify impulsive responses To learn ways to control our impulses and behaviour.

27 Discuss – How do these Superheroes control their impulses? What happens if they don’t?

28 Activity 1.How many emotions can we list as a class? 2.Think of a possible negative response for some of these emotions e.g. EmotionResponse AngerHitting someone

29 Coping Cup Activity On a slip of paper, write down an example of something that makes you feel unhappy or worried, or any one of the negative emotions we’ve talked about. Fold up your paper and place it in the cup. Challenge! To empty the cup you must think of a positive alternative to the negative ones listed on the slips. For each positive suggestion a negative slip can be discarded. Keep a record of the positive suggestions – this will help with your next task.

30 Task Think-Act Poster Include the following rule on your poster: STOP-THINK (don’t respond straight away) BREATHE 3 RESPONSES (don’t say anything until you have thought of 3 possible responses) ACT

31 Origami Superhero

32 Session 5

33 Make me a Superhero! Session 5 Learning Objective To explore and develop qualities that can contribute to building resilience. Learning Outcomes To understand that sometimes we need the help of others To understand the value of different character traits for different scenarios To know when we might need to ask for help and who we should/could call upon.

34 Task – Diamond 9 Work in groups of 3 or 4. Consider your scenario. Decide on the most useful powers to deal with the scenario. The most important or useful character trait should be placed at the top and the least important or useful should be placed at the bottom.

35 Think, who are the other people who can help us with these scenarios?

36 Diamond 9 Powers PatientEnergeticDetermined Good problem solver SensitiveGood-humoured OptimisticHonestAdventurous

37 Plenary There are more Superhero Friends that we may want to call upon at different times, especially when our problems are very sensitive and tricky to deal with. Which adults or agencies may we want to call upon at such times?

38 Origami Superhero

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