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BUS 4017 HR Project Management Week 10 Presented by Professor Fred Pentney.

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Presentation on theme: "BUS 4017 HR Project Management Week 10 Presented by Professor Fred Pentney."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUS 4017 HR Project Management Week 10 Presented by Professor Fred Pentney

2 Wk. 10 Agenda: Collect Assignment at start of class and review More Scope control methods and documents Earned value cont, Team performance issues New Learning Close out phase The Project Summary Report Group work in class Home assignment

3 Status Reports feedback Need individual Team Member’s contribution, i.e. as a % of their assigned work which actually completed. Indication of overall status of the project – on budget, on time, quality. Direction to Team Members for next period - understand perf. stds.

4 Meeting Agenda and minutes feedback Agenda should inform recipient of all needed information to plan for the meeting An action plan should be developed from each meeting. Encouragement and support should be provided. Minutes are legal documents and must be accurate and formally approved (adopted) at next meeting.

5 Measuring spending and effort $ actually spent vs. planned at a point of time= cost variance (CV) # of labour hours work completed vs. baseline plan = schedule variance (SV) Be able to calculate differences Over spent $200 on budget of $1000 CV = $ / % 40 hours over planned time of 80 hours SV = % Combining these variance provides us with the Earned Value on the project.

6 BUS 4017 Project Management: Team Contribution Marks are hereby granted to: You, the Student for outstanding performance and lasting contribution on Your Final Group Project Granted: Weeks 8-11, 2004 By: Professor Fred Pentney

7 Team Member attitudes during development stages Forming: Dependent, insecure – needs direction Storming: Independent – want to get on with tasks or pulls way, regardless of where rest of group is. Anger, frustration, disagrees with process Norming: Brainstorm, conflict resolution. Accepts roles. Accept and con fide in others. Camaraderie. Performing: Interdependent – blends own needs in with those of the team. Sub teams to problem solve.

8 Stages of Team development – Project manager role during the stages. Team and PM Forming: Gives direction and structure, reduces anxiety. Project objective, plan, process constraints Storming: Clarification and some direction. Gives individual responsibilities and guidance. Listens. Norming: Improves procedures. Transfer control and decisions to team. Gives recognition. Performing: PM focuses on Scope controls. Mentors, supports facilitates,

9 Team Characteristics 1.A clear understanding of project objective 2.Clear expectations of self and others 3.Results orientation 4.Hi cooperation and collaboration 5.Hi level of trust.

10 Problem solving – nine steps. 1.Develop problem statement 2.Identify potential causes 3.Gather ideas and identify probable cause. 4.I.D. possible solutions 5.Evaluate alternative solutions 6.Choose the best solution 7.Revise the Project plan 8.Implement the solution 9.Monitor if problem resolved

11 Scope control methods Issues logs Change order requests Configuration changes Team performance correction Communication with customer

12 Resources for this week Team build articles Class Home page for the Case summaries. Note re: estimates provided by Dick Cheney’s company Halliburton Inc. subsidiary KBR: $43.4 million estimated vs. $12.8 million really needed on one contract to feed US troops That’s serious padding ($33.5 million worth). Toronto Star, March 12, 04

13 Project Close Out Review agenda and guidelines/report Client satisfaction assessment Audit documents and audit performance Set filing procedures and access Project Summary Report

14 The Project Summary (Final) Report Need one for each Project Developed during the Close Out stage See Gido text p. 372-3 for guidelines

15 Group Presentation guidelines See Gido p. 368 - 371 20 minutes per Team Dress comfortably - no need to dress up. Each Team Member speaks two minutes

16 Final Written Project Guidelines Hand in at start of Class – Wk. 11 If late will receive a max mark of 50% (pass) if it meets that standard.

17 BUS 4017 Home Assignment for Wk. 10 Work on Final Group Project Written Report Home assignment: Develop a Project Summary (Final) Report Include all key items as per Gido text p. 372 Hand in at beginning of class Wk. 11 Each Team Member contributes a section and receives two marks. Include a copy of the Summary Report in your Final Written Project.

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