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1 Passing the TASP Writing Test, a step by step approach "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." (Abraham Lincoln, 1809-65)Abraham.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Passing the TASP Writing Test, a step by step approach "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." (Abraham Lincoln, 1809-65)Abraham."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Passing the TASP Writing Test, a step by step approach "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." (Abraham Lincoln, 1809-65)Abraham Lincoln

2 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 2 Step one: Analyzing the prompt Read the prompt several times Then break the prompt down into four sections –Question section –For section –Against section –Directions section

3 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 3 Step two: Making a decision Decide for or against and do not look back. You cannot argue for both sides or switch sides in the middle of your essay. Note: There is no “right” or “wrong”side

4 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 4 Step three:Outlining Outline your essay from beginning to end. If you do a good job outlining, you should have less trouble writing your essay. Outlining, brainstorming or clustering all mean the same thing. Do whatever works better for you. Note: Remember, if you go off topic or do not develop your essay sufficiently, more than likely you will fail.

5 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 5 Step four: Writing rough draft –Do not worry about spelling, punctuation or sentence structure at this point. –Worry more about getting your ideas down on paper; you can come back and revise later.

6 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 6 Step five: Checklist After completing rough draft, go through a checklist –Did you? Introduce topic State position Provide 3 reasons Topic sentence with transition word Provide examples Closing sentence Restate position Summarize reasons Make one last plea

7 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 7 Step six: Grammar check Check.... Spelling Capitalization Punctuation Sentence structure run-ons fragments Note: You might want to read your essay in a low voice listening for grammatical errors. Remember: You will not fail if you have a couple of misplaced commas or misspelled words, but all this errors detract from your essay. However, if you have too many errors, you will not pass.

8 José J. González, Jr. Spring 2002 8 Assignment: Go to Essay Assignments on main Blackboard page for this week’s writing assignment. Mr g

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