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Civil War Unit Plan Melvin Matheny. Objectives To teach the students about the Civil War Reasons behind it Battles And outcome.

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1 Civil War Unit Plan Melvin Matheny

2 Objectives To teach the students about the Civil War Reasons behind it Battles And outcome

3 Analyze Learners 10 th grade, ages 15 – 16 Will be building on previous knowledge on the topic Also will be providing more in depth details about the war.

4 State Objectives This unit plan has six objectives. The West Virginia Content and Standard Objectives (CSOs) are: - S.S.O.10.05.16 - compare and contrast the conditions of U.S. before and after Civil War - S.S.O.10.01.05 - Evaluate, take and defend positions on issues in which fundamental democratic values and principles are in conflict - S.S.O.10.05.15 - Research the institution of slavery and its effect on the political, economic and social development of the United States and summarize their findings

5 State Objectives (cont.) - S.S.O.10.04.01 - apply correct vocabulary and geographic tools to determine and illustrate geographic knowledge - S.S.O.10.01.01 - compare and contrast various citizens’ responses to controversial government actions and debate decisions as to what the government should and should not do. - 21C.0.9-12.1.LS1 Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information.

6 Select Media & Material Materials: Textbook Notebook paper Computer Worksheets

7 Select Media & Material (cont) Media: ed/ ed/ - It shows a movie to be shown to the class and then it gives some subjects to discuss afterwards. It discusses the beginning circumstances and the different major events of the war. - This site has reading material and practice quizes

8 Select Media & Material (cont) Media - The site has information on everything about the Civil War. It would be good for research. - Another good reseach site.

9 Utilize Media & Material Day One: This will be a basic introduction day to the topic. We will do some reading from the textbook and discuss it. Also toward end of class I will take students to computer lab and assign the speech assignment. The project will be that each student chooses a battle and gives a speech on it in one week. The speech will be 3 to 5 minutes and they can use note cards if needed. Day Two: Will watch movie from School Discovery. Students will then list the presidential policies of the North and South. Homework will be reading from book and Slavery Views worksheet.

10 Utilize Media & Material (cont) Day Three: Will sum up reasons for war. Start discussing the different major battles. Homework will be Map Worksheet. Day Four: Finish up the battles discussion with Gettysburg Address. Discuss what effects the war had on the country. Homework is newspaper article. Day Five: Students will be giving speeches Day Six: On this day we will play a jeopardy style game on Civil War facts which will give the students a chance to earn bonus points

11 Require Learner Participation I know it will be difficult to keep the attention of the students but I think with the use of in class assignments, group discussions and the game at the end I believe it will be possible to keep their attention.

12 Evaluate & Revise S.S.O.10.05.16 – covered by intro and when we finish the unit S.S.O.10.01.05 – in class discussion on reasons for war S.S.O.10.05.15 – covered by Slavery worksheet

13 Evaluate & Revise (cont) S.S.O.10.04.01 – covered by map worksheet S.S.O.10.01.01 – observed by the Newspaper article 21C.0.9-12.1.LS1 – completed when students research for speech

14 Evaluate & Revise (cont) Game will be used to determine what students learned from this unit.

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