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Community Colleges America’s New Entrepreneurs Dr. Tony Zeiss.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Colleges America’s New Entrepreneurs Dr. Tony Zeiss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Colleges America’s New Entrepreneurs Dr. Tony Zeiss

2 Wake Up Call

3 First Things First Our colleges exist to add value to our students and communities, not to make a profit.~

4 Reality Check We must keep the doors open. -4,600 working poor- We’ve moved from public supported to public assisted.~

5 A Time For Change Presidents must become entrepreneurs. Community colleges must become educational enterprises.~

6 Board Members Already Get It Board Chairs report that fundraising is very important to their college.. Board Chairs increasingly expect their presidents to be fundraisers. Source: “Show Me the Money” ACCT Journal, Fall 2002

7 Silence the Critics! “We’re not sacrificing instructional quality by becoming entrepreneurial, we’re ensuring it!” Get everyone involved and create it as part of the culture.~

8 Learn to Raise Money! Don’t Sell Provide Opportunities for Meaningfulness! How?

9 I. Positive Reactions to Negative Budgets II. Power of Partnering III. Developing an Entrepreneurial College How?

10 I.Positive Reactions to Negative Budgets

11 Budget Truths Don’t Spend What You Don’t Have!

12 Two Reactions to Budget Cuts A. Decrease Expenses B. Increase Revenues

13 A. Decreasing Expenses Increased Class Size: oIncreased class size from 15/1 to 19/1 over a 4 year cycle. oEnsured optimal classroom utilization by purchasing Ad Astra, a room scheduling software. oIncreased Virtual Campus offerings utilizing teacher assistants.~

14 A. Decreasing Expenses Revitalized Programs: oIdentified programs with declining enrollment. oDeveloped revitalization process matching programs with needed resources (marketing, funding, students, etc.). oDecided on continuation/termination of program. oInvolved 19 current programs in revitalization activities.~

15 B. Increasing Revenues 1.Gifts and Donations 2.Federal Grants/Earmarks 3.Fees for Services

16 Adversity = Opportunity Community Colleges Must Transform From Being Public Supported to Public Assisted Organizations… Revitalizes Colleges College is More Efficient College is Customer Focused College is Market Sensitive~

17 1.Gifts and Donations Foundation oAnnual Campaign oSpecial Events oCapital Campaign oEndowment oAlumni Campaign oPlanned Giving oSponsored Classes~

18 2.Federal Grants/Earmarks Forensics Academy Geospatial Program Homeland Security Integrated Systems Technology Pell Grants Other Grants~

19 3.Fees and Services Contract Training Consultant Services Establish a 501C3 Corporation (Become entrepreneurial)~

20 Contract Training Examples: Computer Training Supervisory Training Leadership Training Workplace Literacy Industry Specific Assessment Centers Succession Training~

21 501C3 Corporation Kirkwood – Facilities San Diego – Contract Training (General Support) CPCC – Incubates Small Businesses (General Support)~

22 CPCC Services Corporation Incubates Faculty-Staff Businesses Leases Property Auxiliary Services CPCC Press On Line Training Contracts Research Services Consulting Services Regional Conferences National Training classes (ESL) Conference Center~

23 II. The Power of Partnering

24 Partnering Principles Identify prospects Benefits must be mutual Build trusting relationships Give value first Maintain trusting relationships (husband/wife)~

25 Typical Partners Business (Family Dollar) Community Based Organizations (Pathways) Government (Dept. of Labor) Educational Institutions (CRWDP) Individuals (Casey)

26 Educational Partnerships Charlotte Regional Workforce Development Partnership CCTI Construction Institute Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Teacher Education Dual Credit Magnet Early College Occupational Academies~

27 III. Developing an Entrepreneurial College Incentives and Rewards

28 How ? Get Board on board. Get faculty and staff involved. Provide incentives. Provide rewards~

29 Dealing with Change Only 15% of Americans like change…… And they probably lie about the other things too!

30 Old Sam

31 Transforming Institutional Cultures to Embrace Change “If the rate of change inside the institution is less than the rate of change outside, the end is in sight.” Jack Welch, CEO General Electric Co.

32 Creating Change Build trusting relationships Create anxiety, need Paint clear vision to fix it. Tap into organization’s core values. Reward desired behavior ($, Annual Awards)~

33 Move with Change Yourself “Here lies Will O’Shea who stood up for his right of way. His fight was great, his will was strong. But he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.”

34 President’s Entrepreneurship Council (President’s Think Tank for Creating Alternative Revenues) 1. Syndication & Sponsorships on Channel 17 2. Futures Institute – 3. Media Sponsorship Packaging 4. Leasing Facilities 5. Center for Research 6. Grant Training Certificate~

35 Make Entrepreneurialism Part of the Culture 1.Establish 501C.3 Fee For Service Corporation. 2.Teach entrepreneurialism to students, faculty, and staff. 3.Establish Entrepreneur of the Year or Semester Awards. 4.Give $ to grant writers and sales teams. 5.Start an entrepreneurial group.~

36 Stay Optimistic!

37 Presentation located at: About the College President’s Office Presentations

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