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What happens when a Cluster of People in Education commit to a common belief?

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2 What happens when a Cluster of People in Education commit to a common belief?

3 Comprehensive Career Guidance 2.0: CTE, Plan of Study (POS), ICAP, PWR….


5 BIG PICTURE = Comprehensive Guidance!

6 Colorado’s Current Pipeline Source: NCES 2006

7 Having a Career Goal and Plan makes a HUGE difference in PS success! Preliminary findings showed desired learning outcomes were the best predictors of student success. Students whose desire was to “Explore courses to decide career,” had the lowest graduation rate, 21%. This compares to a graduation rate for students who intend to, “Prepare to change careers,” of 78%. Clearly, having a career goal and plan that a student is acting upon makes a big difference - Rossol & Byers, Johnson County Community College, NE

8 Real Purpose Vision: Colorado CTE delivers intentional pathways & planning for lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real. Vision: Colorado CTE delivers intentional pathways & planning for lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.

9 21st Century Skills 20 th Century21 st Century 1 – 2 Jobs 10 – 15 Jobs Flexibility And Adaptability Integration of 21 st Century Skills into Subject Matter Mastery Mastery of One Field Subject Matter Mastery # of Jobs Job Skill Learning Model PWR

10 Our adults students today could be… Known as Performers Born: 1938-1957 Size: 23% of US Population Spending: $1.32 Trillion Annually Themes: The Atomic Age/Personality Values: Freedom/Drama/Adventure Known as Techticians Born: 1958-1971 Size: 22% of US Population Spending: $1.45 Trillion Annually Themes: Science/Speed/Service Values: Self-Reliance/Pragmatism Or possibly… Known as Believers Born: 1972-1983 Size: 17% of the US Population Spending: $861 Billion Annually Themes: Withdrawal/Watergate/Women Values: Relationship/Diplomacy Excerpted from the work of Dr. Louis Patler, Steve Weiss, Ken Beller: The Consistent Consumer

11 Our current Students today are… Known as The Transformers Born: 1984-1995 Size: 16% of US Population Spending: $200 Billion Annually Themes: The Long Boom/Constant Chaos Values: Personal Power / Clarity Excerpted from the work of Dr. Louis Patler, Steve Weiss, Ken Beller: The Consistent Consumer ‘Millenials’ ‘Screenagers’

12 Career Development Journey Seamless Transitions: Elementary: Career Awarenes s Middle: Career Exploration High: Career Concentration Post Secondary: Career Preparation Lifelong: Career Advancement and Management Learning Earning Living Listening


14 Time to RE-CAP ICAP! Remember the Process… Dive into Connections… …And put it all together!

15 Remember the Process & BIG picture

16 The ICAP journey… Awareness & Dissemination Building Bridges & Building Readiness Transition Beginning to move to new understanding, mindset and practices Implementation Making meaning of ICAP Engaging in activities and the process Transformation Shift Happens Logo vernacular borrowed from CDE: Academic Standards

17 Paradigm Shift… So much Vocabulary! Post Secondary Plan MyCAP (My Career and Academic Plan) ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) Personal Education Plan Transition Plan Five year (six year, seven year) Plan Cluster, Pathway, Plan of Study, PWR, IEP, CiC And more…

18 ICAP – REAL Relevance Provides a relevant education pathway to their preferred career. Provides ownership of their future resulting in increased motivation Increased motivation leads to: Increased retention and Decreased dropout rates

19 1.00 Statement of Basis and Purpose Pursuant to SB 09-256, the State Board of Education is required to promulgate rules to establish standards for Individual Career and Academic Plans (“ICAP”) for students enrolled in public schools in the state. The intent of this provision in the legislation is to ultimately decrease dropout rates and increase graduation rates by assisting students in developing and maintaining a personalized postsecondary plan that ensures readiness for postsecondary and workforce success. An ICAP shall be designed to assist a student and his or her parent or legal guardian in exploring the postsecondary career and educational opportunities available to the student, aligning course work and curriculum, applying to postsecondary education institutions, securing financial aid and ultimately entering the workforce. 9 Elements:

20 What is it all really? The ICAP, or Career & Academic Plan of Study is a process that students participate in, which results in an actual plan. Process: Developmentally appropriate recommended activities Plan: 1.Student’s career cluster or pathway goal 2.Relevancy of student’s goal to post secondary institution / workforce or other future option 3.Student’s intentional courses sequence & relevant experience Utilizing: CTE, core curriculums, existing & available resources (CDE, CDHE & CCCS), career & academic planning tools & assessments and “the village”.

21 WHAT? Every student will create, revise & follow a pathway that leads to career success. HOW? Through seamless career & academic plans WHY? To develop a globally competitive workforce for Colorado. ICAP = Real Opportunities

22 The ICAN career development model proposes that the goal of career development is for individuals to achieve readiness for career transition rather than to arrive at a particular career decision. Career transition readiness is marked by an individual developing Identity, Confidence, Adaptability, and a Network, or ICAN, in order to thrive in their career. NCDA Article

23 DISCUSSPLANDESIGNIMPLEMENTEVALUATE Was due: September 30 2010 Utilize “The Village” Begin NOW or at least by September 30, 2011. After a Year pilot: What works? What doesn’t? What/who is needed? Action Plan (4 T’s): Team Timeline Tool of use (acTivity) elemenT addressed Implementation Cycle Find your experts, your sardines, your village, your team: Administrators, CTE, SpEd, IT, Counselors, workforce, teachers, parents, students & others…

24 40 seconds: Everything you know about ICAP What does it look like now? (Current Scope and Sequence) What are some barriers? What are some celebrations? (Success we’ve had in the past, now and soon) Bring it Together!

25 ICAP Updates…the new stuff

26 Recent & Relevant Education Reform Initiatives All 6 th Grade Students required to have accounts (SB09-256) ICAPs Required SB09-256, Rules adopted February 2010; District Plans 09-2010; 9 th Grade Plans 09-2011 ICAPs & Dashboard included in Assessment Attributes (Adopted by SBE & CCHE) –Timeline: 2010/2011 last CSAP, 2011-2013 CTAP (Colorado Transitional Assessment), 2013/2014 new PWR Assessment (formative, simulated etc…) College Level ICAPs proposed in Higher Education Strategic Plan (being adopted freely by CC’s statewide – why? Because it’s best for students.)

27 Continued Updates Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids(CAP4K) – Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness (PWR) - Standards for Academic and Applied Knowledge Concurrent Enrollment and ASCENT (CTE connection) School Counselor Corps Grant Program funded. District Accountability requirements include evidence of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (SB09-163) Dropout Prevention and Student Reengagement

28 Continued Updates Educator Effectiveness (SB09-191) – includes ICAP/PWR language. State Advisory Council for Parent Involvement in Education Expanded Learning Opportunities Commission (Accelerated Learning Options…see EAGLE NET Broadband Statewide: $100.6 grant for statewide broadband ($46 million private matching donor – state has money, find where it comes from!) Currently undergoing Environmental Scan(migration patterns, water, oil and other) In 3 years…..expect access in your town/city/neighborhood.

29 Dive into more Connections…

30 40 seconds: What is your ICAP process? (has it changed since this training began?) Who or what have/has been our champions? (strategies, curriculum, partnerships, and out-of-the-box thinking) How will you move forward? With whom & what tool(s)? Bring it Together!

31 Remember your Sardines…. “The Village”

32 Utilize your “Village” You Navigators - Education and Career Case Managers Professional School Counselors: ASCA model, Career Development CTE instructors/directors: Plans of Study Postsecondary Partners Disability Services: IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) Pre-Collegiate Service Providers Workforce Representatives Academic Core/Elective Faculty: Relevance and Relationship IT Specialists: Data sharing, SIS pro’s May we suggest: student(s), librarians, school board, business & industry rep, and others…

33 Utilize your “Village” You Administrators, the school leaders Professional School Counselors: ASCA model, Career Development CTE instructors/directors: Plans of Study GT coordinators/instructors SpEd/Transition Coordinators: IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) IT Specialists: Data sharing, SIS pro’s Academic Core/AVID/IB/Elective instructors: time, relevance and relationship May we suggest: student(s), librarian, school board, Postsecondary Partners, workforce rep, parent(s), SAC members, PTA/PTO’s. pre-collegiate provider, business & industry rep, BOCES and inventories that are already in place but not expanded on!

34 Best Practice Include Everyone!

35 Career Guidance and College In Colorado Training for ALL Staff

36 Transition Program IEP’s shape Individual Career & Academic Plans

37 CTE Program Plans of Study shape Individual Career & Academic Plans for Educators/ Plans of Study

38 ASCA National Counseling Model shapes Individual Career & Academic Plans

39 Who are your partners? In your building? In your district? In your region? In your state?


41 Robust use of Plans of Study in shaping ICAPs Philosophical Conundrum Where does Career & Technical Education fit in today’s education climate? (ASCA 2011 School Counselor of the Year: CTE!!) Where should it fit? Who & What can be utilized as guides & tools? (pssst…did you consider your “village” here? ICAP/POS = not an isolated event, it is a process!!) Guidance

42 Real Connection POS Vision: Provide a road map for the student/parent that connects Career Path courses with Core Academic courses POS Mission: Allow flexibility for students to explore and update their plans of study simultaneously guiding and preparing today’s students for high wage, high skill and high demand careers! POS Vision: Provide a road map for the student/parent that connects Career Path courses with Core Academic courses POS Mission: Allow flexibility for students to explore and update their plans of study simultaneously guiding and preparing today’s students for high wage, high skill and high demand careers!

43 42 Plans of Study - REAL Plan Connect the Career Cluster Model and the classroom Sample road maps for students to use as they make decisions that will help shape their future

44 Plans of Study - REAL Process Intended as a primary guide as students create their Individual Career & Academic Plans (ICAP) Assist student in designing a meaningful educational experience that is relevant to their individual career aspirations (ICAP)

45 Plans of Study help shape ICAP


47 Cited:

48 Plans of Study help shape ICAP Plan of Study Palooza Webinar Next! Plan of Study Palooza Webinar Next!

49 Merino



52 40 seconds: Using the current architecture – go robust… What will it look like? (revised Scope and Sequence; culture shift, schedule shift etc…) What is it about _______________ that you know works best for students? When taking an inventory of programs & opportunities available, what’s missing? Bring it Together!

53 ACT – World of Work Map People Data Things Ideas Holland’s Codes: Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional Colorado Career Cluster Model Industries Clusters Pathways PWR standards

54 Cited:

55 Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional Cited:

56 People Data Things Ideas R & I & A A & S & I R & C & I E & C C & R S & E ASCA CTE Pathways Revised Standards ASCA CTE Pathways Revised Standards Program Inventory

57 People Data Things Ideas R & I & A A & S & I R & C & I E & C C & R S & E ASCA CTE Pathways Revised Standards ASCA CTE Pathways Revised Standards Program Inventory

58 ‘Robust-ing’ YOUR Process 1.Map Your Current Assets

59 ACE – Alternative Cooperative Education & FACS CORE Business Marketing Architectural & Construction Technologies Automotive Technologies Catering & ProStart CISCO Early Childhood & Teacher Cadet Dietetics & Nutrition Interior Design Multi Media Project Lead the Way Program Inventory

60 1.Map Your Current Assets a)Have you covered all of YOUR pathways? b)Are there other Clusters/Pathways your program could serve? c)Who are the “village” members who know them? d)There will be POS created that are not CTE. e)POS serves as a guide for ICAPing process. ‘Robust-ing’ YOUR Process

61 1.Map Your Current Assets 2.Consider Local and Regional Need 3.Collaborate to Fill the Gaps a)Between existing programs b)Consider Counselor/Other Instructors Roles c)Concurrent Enrollment partners d)Business & Industry too! (Remember – nothing done in isolation) ‘Robust-ing’ YOUR Process

62 1.Map Your Current Assets 2.Collaborate to Assign the Gaps 3.Intentionally & Efficiently build & utilize Plans of Study for AWESOME guidance! 4.Plan for future program development –A natural emerging of a needs assessment ‘Robust-ing’ YOUR Process

63 Why A Plan Of Study, an ICAP or pathways? Provides a road map for the student/parent Increases student retention Connects Career Path Courses with Core Academic Courses Prevents going the

64 Last thought: Consider your own District or Building Mission You might have a Vision Statement too How does the architecture of Career Guidance fit?

65 Best Practice – Connecting Plans of Study to ICAP’s

66 ACE – Alternative Cooperative Education & FACS CORE Business Marketing Architectural & Construction Technologies Automotive Technologies Catering & ProStart CISCO Early Childhood & Teacher Cadet Dietetics & Nutrition Interior Design Multi Media Project Lead the Way Program Inventory




70 Each Plan of Study built to meet HEAR requirements.

71 Best Practice Connecting Students & Teachers

72 Best Practice Investing the Time!

73 PATHWAYS DELIVERY 35 Minutes Every Day Every Student Computer Lab Time Counselor Visits Business and Industry Visits Curriculum Delivery Student Internships/Teacher Externships Teacher Continuing Education Classes Intervention/Pride Pass Begin to implement at Middle School and Elementary School

74 Best Practice Include Everyone!

75 Utilize your “Village” The Experts: You + the Administrator, the school leader Professional School Counselors: ASCA model, Career Development CTE instructors/directors: Plans of Study GT coordinators/instructors SpEd/Transition Coordinators: IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) IT Specialists: Data sharing, SIS pro’s Academic Core/AVID/IB/Elective instructors: time, relevance and relationship May we suggest: student(s), librarian, school board, PS rep, workforce rep, parent(s), SAC members, PTA/PTO’s. pre-collegiate provider, business & industry rep, BOCES and any others?

76 Best Practice Connecting Business & Industry

77 8 th Grade Career Expo

78 Workforce Connect

79 Best Practice ICAP Curriculum 6-12

80 Bringing it all together!


82 All Freshman will complete ICAP activities during their Freshman Seminar class (meets daily) We have divided sophomores, juniors, and seniors into mentor groups (15-18 students each). Each high school teacher has been assigned a mentor group. The teacher/mentor is responsible for monitoring the ICAP Plan in CIC (running reports and student follow-up) Every Thursday from 3:00-3:37 (Activity Time) students will meet in their mentor ’ s rooms. On Thursdays, designated groups will be working in CIC on their plans. Students not working on CIC attend student meetings (FBLA, Senior/Junior Class meetings etc). Each week we will rotate which groups are in CIC and which are in meetings so everyone will have the opportunity to build their ICAP.

83 ICAP Milestones aligned with ASCA Standards Vista PEAK - APS Aurora Public Schools

84 PS Plan of Study = Rich Conversation

85 Connections

86 Conversations Around a Hybrid Model ICAP PLC ( Professional Learning Community) meets 1 st Tuesday of the month. 2 HS deal with Naviance only 1 HS does ICAP activities in their Advisory class – daily. 1 HS has 10 TH graders doing ICAP activities in their Comp. Lit 10 classes. Attended CiC ICAP design seminar Considering Customization Discussions had in large group format, ICAP Task Force, Small Group format and ICAP PLC. New staff member: ICAP/School to Career/CTE outreach Coordinator.

87 Non Traditional Careers

88 Workplace Gender Balance

89 Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is the new Colorado state requirement for all students in grades 6-12. The ICAP process assists every student in setting life goals and forming a plan to achieve their goals. The ICAP will help students select a pathway of relevant coursework in Middle School and High School, based on their interests and desired career goals. ICAP is designed to provide each student opportunities to discover their talents and carefully plan a school program that develops marketable skills for life after graduation. DHS ICAP definition:

90 How is this related to our Strategic Plan? Strategy 3: “ Standards of Excellence” – integrate 21 st Century Skills Specific Result 2: Establish flexible educational pathways that allow all students to leave high school ready to enter the workforce and/or post Secondary Education. No.3: Identify additional educational pathways necessary to meet the needs of all students.

91 Also: Strategy 4: We will fully engage every student in meaningful, relevant, authentic learning experiences. Specific Result 2: Engage every student in developing & implementing a plan to accomplish personal, educational and postsecondary goals. No. 6: Student begin their plan in 6 th grade and all secondary students review their growth plans before class choices are made for the subsequent years.

92 Merino



95 Real Purpose Vision: Colorado CTE delivers intentional pathways & planning for lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real. Vision: Colorado CTE delivers intentional pathways & planning for lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.

96 Real Connection POS Vision: Provide a road map for the student/parent that connects Career Path courses with Core Academic courses POS Mission: Allow flexibility for students to explore and update their plans of study simultaneously guiding and preparing today’s students for high wage, high skill and high demand careers! POS Vision: Provide a road map for the student/parent that connects Career Path courses with Core Academic courses POS Mission: Allow flexibility for students to explore and update their plans of study simultaneously guiding and preparing today’s students for high wage, high skill and high demand careers!

97 Real Relevance ICAP Vision: Individual Career and Academic Planning allow all students access to and assistance with a portable seamless pathway for Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness and their success! ICAP Mission: To decrease drop-out rates and increase retention rates to support our global competitive economy. ICAP Vision: Individual Career and Academic Planning allow all students access to and assistance with a portable seamless pathway for Postsecondary & Workforce Readiness and their success! ICAP Mission: To decrease drop-out rates and increase retention rates to support our global competitive economy.

98 Additional Resources: O*Net CDE- The Scoop E-Newsletter: Send an e-mail to: with "Sign Me Up For The Scoop" Save the Dates: CCDA Spring Training April 22 nd RMACAC April 28-30 th Plan of Study Palooza Webinar April 20 th & May 18 th CACTE Conference July 19-22 nd CASE July 27-28 th

99 CACTE – Guidance & Career Development Division For anyone who would like to be more connected to the CTE and Career Advisement/Counseling world. Spring/Summer Book Study: Contact Lauren, if you’re interested in joining!

100 Remember….. You R.O.C.K! R – React with O – Optimism C – Challenge and K - Knowledge

101 How to reach us: Lauren Jones, CTE-Career Guidance Trainer: Charles Dukes, Senior Consultant CDE: For your Regional CiC Rep:

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