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John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) US Green Building Council-NJ Chapter Green School Advocate

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1 John Henry Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) US Green Building Council-NJ Chapter Green School Advocate


3 USGBC Green Schools Advocacy Campaign In order to achieve the vision of “green schools for every child within a generation,” we must not only build new schools that are green, we have to transform our existing schools.

4 Curriculum designed and integrated using the building systems as a teaching tool must be part of the green building process. If not, schools miss an opportunity to operate and maintain a school in a way that will ensure that the features that made them green will be sustained over a long period of time. Schools are the focal point of community sustainability

5 Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council in 2007U.S. Green Building Council Inspired the creation of the national Green Schools initiative LEED Is the nationally recognized benchmark for building green schools The LEED Rating System recognizes the unique nature of the design and construction of K-12 schools Provides a unique, comprehensive tool for schools that wish to build green or transition an existing building with measurable results Certification provides parents, teachers and the community with a “report card” for their school buildings – verifying that the school has been built to meet the highest level of performance LEED for Schools…

6 What is a Green School? Green School /grEn skül / n. a school building or facility that creates a healthy environment that is conducive to learning while saving energy, resources and money –Benefits of green schools A healthy, productive learning environment Improved teacher retention Financial savings Hands-on learning Environmentally Friendly The Alliance for Saving Energy USGBC, Green Schools Campaign A Green School: –Improves education through hands-on, real-world learning about energy and energy efficiency –Strengthens schools by saving money on energy costs

7 Some call green schools “high-performance schools” A high performance school is: –Healthy –Comfortable –Energy Efficient –Material Efficient –Easy to Maintain and Operate –Environmentally Responsive Site –A Building that teaches –Safe and Secure –Community Recourse –Stimulating Architecture –Adaptable to Changing Needs –Opportunity to increase academic performance by engaging students in real- world experiences relevant to their life What is a Green School? The Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS)




11 On K-12 Construction







18 USGBC-NJ Chapter Strategic Plan Develop educational programs that will connect the Green building industry to mainstream Environmental Education

19 LEED Rating System Categories

20 The ultimate hands on learning experience: The building as a teaching tool.












32 Green Schools Curriculum Framework based on the LEED for Schools Green Building Rating System Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality Innovation and Design Process –Using the School as a Teaching Tool

33 Unit 1. Sustainable Sites: fundamentals of sustainability investigate a green building footprint and how they can impact the environment conduct sustainability evaluations of the existing school grounds Unit 2. Water Efficiency: how to reduce and reuse water track the use of water in buildings. determine the quality of water locally determine if unhealthy situations exist in rivers, streams and ponds and identify causes and solutions.

34 Unit 3. Energy, and Atmosphere: learn about current uses of energy production methods global warming and climate change how green buildings can significantly reduce the negative impact on greenhouse gas emissions and investigate and share low and no-cost solutions that will decrease carbon footprint learn about energy audits, alternative energy sources and the politics that drive continued use of current methods of energy production Unit 4. Materials and Resources: learn about waste management, regionally produced products, conservation and financial savings learn about new materials that are being produced using recycled content recycling programs local and global resources, populations and various other factors that will impact how and where we live in the future Cradle to Cradle materials

35 Unit 5. Indoor Environmental Quality: investigate the science, technology and the benefits from the increased quality of indoor air lighting, acoustics and temperature control students begin to assess and address these topics and develop an action plan to collect data, analyze and implement changes in their home, school and community Unit 6. Innovation and Design Process: students take on the role of LEED Accredited Professionals and other team members needed to design a green building



38 Curriculum Projects and Resources Neptune Summerfield Elementary School


40 Curriculum Projects and Resources Green Schools for Teachers Workshop NJEA and Green Industry Professionals sponsored Summer 2009


42 Curriculum Projects and Resources

43 New Jersey Selected as One of Five States to Participate In Federal Technical Assistance Academy to Develop ‘Green’ CTE Program Partnering with the N.J. Council of County Vocational-Technical Schools (NJCCVTS), the state Department of Education applied for the technical assistance program to help with current efforts to develop a statewide program of study for emerging careers that have an environmental or renewable energy focus. LEED is a featured Lesson in the curriculum Curriculum Projects and Resources

44 TALENT21 Grant Teaching and Learning with Essential New Technologies in the 21st Century (TALENT21). Division: Educational Standards and Programs Office: Academic Standards A technology based grant that two schools designed units and lesson plans using the LEED rating system. The NJ DoE Understanding by Design unit and lesson plan template was used aligning to NJCCCS.

45 Unit Overview (Buena Middle School) Content Area: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Arts, Physical Education, Health Unit Title: Live Green / Live Longer Target Course/Grade Level: 6 Unit Summary With increasing awareness and a political push towards a “green” and sustainable environment, this unit will use the building as a teaching tool and focus on the following: energy conservation, sustainable sites, water efficiency, “green” materials and resources, indoor environmental quality, civic responsibilities, and the innovation and design to meet such improvement. Six teachers will work collaboratively covering the various 21 st century themes over the course of a marking period to develop awareness of these themes, and allow students to use their constructivist approach to develop potential solutions to societal problems. These lessons will be taught in a problem and project based pedagogy. Primary interdisciplinary connections: Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Arts, Physical Education, Health 21 st century themes: Global Awareness; Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Literacy; Civic Literacy; Health Literacy Unit Rationale: Using a “green” theme allows student engagement to take ownership of problems that exist in real world scenarios, and focuses on creating solutions in their local area eventually leading to a global perspective of sustainability.

46 Lesson Plans LessonTimeframe Lesson 1 Environmental Awareness and Civic Responsibility 4 days Lesson 2 Tons of Trash3 days Lesson 3 Why We Need It, But At What Cost? 21 days Lesson 4 Are You Done with That? 3-5 Days Lesson 5 Petroleum Awareness 6 Days Lesson 6 Water Efficiency 3 Days



49 Lesson Plans LessonTimeframe 1 Fundamentals of Sustainability5 day 2 Introduction to Green Buildings5 days 3 Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) 5 day 4 Sustainable Sites 5 days 5 Water Efficiency 5 days 6 Energy and Atmosphere5 days 7 Materials and Resources 5 days 8 Indoor Environmental Environment 5 days 9 Introduction to Google Sketchup5 days 10 Innovation and Design (Green Challenge) 10 days 2009-2010 Hilltop School ’ s LEED Curriculum Project-Marshall County Schools, West Virginia Aligned to the West Virginia Department of Education ’ s 21 st Century Content Standards and Objectives and the Global 21 Initiative: Students deserve it – The world demands it

50 Case Studies Alder Creek Middle School (PDF 690 KB) Desert Edge High School (PDF 804 KB) Fossil Ridge High School (PDF 383 KB) Homewood Middle School (PDF 515 KB) Northern Guilford Middle School (PDF 363 KB)PDF 690 KBPDF 804 KBPDF 383 KBPDF 515 KBPDF 363 KB

51 Developing a District-Wide Green Schools Action Plan 1. Establish a Green Team  Who will be the key Stakeholders and what purpose will they serve?  Resources?  Others? 2. Green Resolution, Mission or Pledge How will you demonstrate your commitment towards a sustainable school? 3. Green Education into the Curriculum. (place based learning) The school building as a teaching tool. How can you integrate the LEED or other green rating systems into Environmental Education, Mathematics, Science and other content areas? 4. Local Resources, Community Support and Community integration.  What local resources can you use to support your green effort?  How can you involve parents and other community members?  How can what you create extend beyond the school and become part of the community?

52 Developing a District-Wide Green Schools Action Plan 5. Building Maintenance and Operations Action Steps. What Low or no cost, immediate, short-term and achievable steps can you take to move you closer to becoming a Green School? What long-term steps can you take to forward the greening of your school? How can the building maintenance personnel help your school to go green? 6. Administration Support How can the administration support your Green Schools effort? 7. Budget, Benchmarking, Evaluating and Tracking Change  What budget, if any, would be needed to start the green schools effort?  How and what will you benchmark as a starting point?  What categories will you track, and how will you track the changes that occur?  How will you evaluate your progress towards a Green School?  How can students be part of the process for benchmarking, implementing and tracking

53 Developing a District-Wide Green Schools Action Plan 8. School Event What school event or activity can you create that will showcase and celebrate your green accomplishments?

54 Resources Green Schools for Teachers US Green Building Council NJ Chapter USGBC Green School Buildings Center for Green Schools at USGBC center/welcome.aspx

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