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Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Faculty Cohort Toolkit: faculty-cohort-lead-tools/ LOGIN: Fall10 PASSWORD:

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Presentation on theme: "Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Faculty Cohort Toolkit: faculty-cohort-lead-tools/ LOGIN: Fall10 PASSWORD:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Faculty Cohort Toolkit: http:// faculty-cohort-lead-tools/ LOGIN: Fall10 PASSWORD: DBA2ACE High-Level View Weeks 1-2 Foundation Course Bonding Experience Weeks 3-8 Transition from Foundation Course Getting accustomed to college-level work Essay deadlines create intensity Struggles with habits and behaviors Reflecting on My Life Lifeline Essay and Family History can get students on edge Increasing intensity leading up to week 9 Week 9 SJRC Intensive Students struggle Another bonding experience Mid-semester party Weeks 10-14 Building to the Finale Final Project pressures Shift to new supporting habits Stage fright intensity Week 15 Forms and Surveys Student Exit-Faculty Feedback End of Bridge Semester Faculty Reflection End of Bridge Semester Student Surveys (electronic)

2 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Pre and Post Survey Behavior System Tools: ►ACE Successful Student Traits; ►Mandatory Meeting Announcement; ►Student Reflection Forms; ►Behavior Improvement Plan Behavior System: Student Meetings Weeks 1-2 Foundation Course Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Getting accustomed to college level work and homework BioReaction Ladder of Listening Learning about their behaviors and others’ behaviors that are distracting from their success Behavior System Tools: ►Buddy Support System; ►Instant Reinforcement (Free Pass / Red Card) Struggling with identifying and changing those habits English paper deadlines Homework assignments and deadlines create intensity in students; On the day that major assignments are due, they sometimes will miss the classes that precede English/TSM/SJRC because they’re working on paper Weeks 3-4-5 TSM: Transitioning from FC

3 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Wk 3Gets students on edgeBioReaction Wk 4: Lifeline Poster Ladder of Learning Cycles of Waste/Value Confirm Health services, Counseling visits to an ACE class Wk 5 Laws of Conversation Behavior System Tools: ►Amnesty Announcement; ►ACE Student Mid-Semester Self Evaluation Weeks 3-4-5 TSM: Reflecting on My Life

4 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Wk 6: Lifeline Paper Observations vs Evaluations/Judgments Set date wk 9-11for mid-semester pot- luck party; schedule room(s) Wk 7Listening Dos & Don’ts Schedule Faculty Dinner; discuss mid- semester student evaluations Wk 8: Family History Papers due; Mid Semester Course Evaluations (student feedback to faculty) Mid Semester Student Progress Reports (faculty feedback to students) As they ramp up toward week 9, there is increasing intensity; mid-semester blues sets in too; they need a boost from week 9 immersion Conversation Meter Ladder of Listening syllabus to contain point system so mid-semester grading is easy to do Weeks 6-7-8 TSM: Reflecting on My Life

5 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Students interview 150 people; Get SJR questions done; Getting Survey completed Cohort bonds again: They have an experience like FC working together and moving forward Announce English/Math Re- assessment schedule week before “priority registration date” Confirm dedicated computer room mid semester party Informal awards (certificates) given to students (optional) If you feel it is appropriate ask students to vote for awards beforehand Students interview 150 people; Get SJR questions done; Getting Survey completed Cohort bonds again: They have an experience like FC working together and moving forward Announce English/Math Re- assessment schedule week before “priority registration date” Confirm dedicated computer room Week 9 SJRC

6 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics > Wk 9: Needs Analysis PPT Solution PPT SJRC Deadlines create intensity in cohort: They feel testy, get behind, can’t get teams motivated; Students struggle to get Needs Analysis completed on survey data, Solutions, and final presentations completed. Wk 10Ladder of Learning Wk 11 Conversation Meter Ladder of Listening Confirm logistics for final SJRC practice Wks ~~ 12, 13 Shift happens inside student cohorts that have movement class –start to settle down and new habits start to lock in (student supporting habits) Select Practice dates; reserve room; Determine who to invite: Following Week 9 SJRC

7 Anticipating Rhythms of the Semester Week-by-Week Tools to support issues that create Energy/Emotions/Intensity Curriculum Assignments & Forms Energy/ Emotions/IntensityUseful ToolsLogistics Wk 13: End of Semester Student Surveys, Exit Feedback, and Faculty Reflections Discuss process for Certificate of Completion vs. Certificate of Participation 13, 14, 15 Pressure increases having to do with English or other deadlines and final presentation to the public about their research project Invite: former ACE students; ACE fac; other students; other staff, fac; --public? Wk 14: Week before final presentation Intensity in preparation Announce re-assessment date; Literacy faculty prepare students Wk 15: End of Semester Student Surveys, Exit Feedback, and Faculty Reflections Review SJ presentation agenda (roles, etc); Final party logistics; make sure Certificates are ready; Announce returns of materials Wk 16 Faculty Reflection forms sent to Natalia at the end of semester. Different Format to Weekly Agenda Weeks 13-16

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