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Essential Question What were the characteristics of the 1950s? What were the characteristics of the 1950s?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question What were the characteristics of the 1950s? What were the characteristics of the 1950s?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question What were the characteristics of the 1950s? What were the characteristics of the 1950s?

2 1950s: The Age of Affluence

3 Product Demand Rationing ended from wartime mobilization Rationing ended from wartime mobilization Americans were eager to spend Americans were eager to spend

4 G.I. Bill Loans to veterans to help them start businesses, buy homes, and attend college Loans to veterans to help them start businesses, buy homes, and attend college

5 Plastics and Synthetics Developed for military purposes Developed for military purposes Now used for consumer goods Now used for consumer goods

6 Military Spending Defense-related industries became a part of national defense Defense-related industries became a part of national defense Science, industry, and the federal govt intertwined Science, industry, and the federal govt intertwined

7 White Collar Workers Rise in management position openings Rise in management position openings Corporations offered lifetime employment for college graduates Corporations offered lifetime employment for college graduates

8 Election of 1952 Eisenhower (Republican) Eisenhower (Republican) Adlai Stevenson (Democrat) Adlai Stevenson (Democrat)

9 An Affluent Society

10 The Suburbs Farmland on the outskirts of cities converted to tract housing and shopping malls Farmland on the outskirts of cities converted to tract housing and shopping malls


12 Levitt Houses William Levitt applied mass- production techniques to quickly build houses William Levitt applied mass- production techniques to quickly build houses Created subdivisions Created subdivisions



15 The Sun Belt Low taxes, mild climates Low taxes, mild climates Open space for sprawling subdivision Open space for sprawling subdivision

16 Growing Highway System 15 cents for a gallon of gas 15 cents for a gallon of gas Subdivisions existed on the assumption of people driving Subdivisions existed on the assumption of people driving

17 Interstate System Created while Eisenhower was president Created while Eisenhower was president Federal Highway Act of 1965 Federal Highway Act of 1965 Ground support for military deployment and troop support Ground support for military deployment and troop support



20 The Baby Boom More babies born between 1948 and 1953 than in the thirty years previous More babies born between 1948 and 1953 than in the thirty years previous Drop in the marriage age Drop in the marriage age

21 Dr. Jonas Salk Perfected the polio vaccine in 1954 Perfected the polio vaccine in 1954 Free distribution in public schools Free distribution in public schools

22 Miracle Drugs Penicillin Penicillin Cortisone Cortisone Streptomycin Streptomycin

23 Television 1947 – 7000 sets 1947 – 7000 sets 1950 – 5.3 million sets 1950 – 5.3 million sets 1960 – 87 percent of American homes had one set 1960 – 87 percent of American homes had one set

24 1950s Television Growth in advertising Growth in advertising Source for popular culture Source for popular culture

25 Father Knows Best

26 I Love Lucy

27 Gunsmoke

28 Bonanza

29 Mickey Mouse Club

30 Howdy Doody

31 Captain Kangaroo

32 The Generation Gap Cultural separation between children and parents Cultural separation between children and parents

33 Youth Culture Rise of Rock n Roll Rise of Rock n Roll

34 Elvis Presley

35 Chuck Barry

36 Ray Charles

37 Little Richard

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