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Rowan University, College of Education

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Presentation on theme: "Rowan University, College of Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rowan University, College of Education
Incoming Health and Physical Education teaching certification majors Nick Iraldi

2 Prior to Enrollment Submit application and fee
Meet with program advisor Successfully complete Praxis I test Must pass before taking core specialization courses

3 Advisor and Coordinators
Melvin Pinckney, academic advisor, co-coordinator (856)  Responsible for advising all teaching certification majors Jeanine Dowd, academic advisor HPFM majors last names H-Z Laurie Dwyer, HPFM majors last names A-G

4 Freshman year Mostly general education classes
- College composition I, II - Math - Lab science - History - Fine arts

5 Teacher certification
Sophomore year HES core classes Teacher certification Structure & function I, II Foundations of fitness Tech and assess TLC I, II Teaching reading and writing

6 Junior year HES Core classes Pedagogy classes Teaching concepts of:
- Health Ed. I, II - Secondary PE I, II - Elementary PE Kinesiology Exercise physiology Basic Nutrition

7 Senior year K-12 curriculum instruction Adapted PE
School Health Program Planning Practical Field experience

8 Clinical Practice Finally… 12 weeks student teaching secondary PE
12 weeks student teaching elementary PE Clinical practice seminar course Finally…

9 Graduation!!

10 Policies and Requirements
C- or better in all courses Overall GPA of 3.0 Must pass Praxis I, II “Meet expectations” for all field experiences Completed clinical practice application

11 College of Education Program guide, benchmarks, policies, and courses

12 Around campus Education (James) Hall Esby Gym
Most general and education courses Esby Gym Pedagogy courses

13 Campus map

14 Professional Development
Field experiences Lesson planning Conventions Pedagogy courses On campus seminars

15 Field experiences TLC I, II Junior Practicum Clinical Practice
Observe and participate in class lessons Develop and teach lessons Interact with teachers and students from various schools

16 Pedagogy Courses First-hand experiences in HPE lessons
Opportunity to develop lesson plans Knowledgeable instructors Hands-on learning

17 Conventions NJAHPERD NJEA SHAPE America
Great opportunity to gain insightful knowledge from some of the best educators in the country Dozens of Rowan students and faculty attend

18 HES club Why should you join… Get to know other HES majors
Attend conventions Actively involved in campus events Raise money for health organizations Tons of fun events, trips, and activities

19 Events on campus Intramural sports Variety of sports
All Rowan students play for cheap or free Great chance to meet new people Unified sports Students pair with Special Olympics athletes Promotes friendship and inclusion Still a competitive atmosphere

20 Rowan Unified soccer team wins gold
at Special Olympics!

21 College of Education Why should you apply… 90 years of excellence
Nationally accredited program Outstanding reputation in teacher prep Nationally renown professors in the field of Health and Physical Education The Rowan experience!!

22 Expect more. Achieve more

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