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It’s time to play Power Grab !!. Power Grab!! Since the US is facing a severe financial crisis, the President decides to run for a third term.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s time to play Power Grab !!. Power Grab!! Since the US is facing a severe financial crisis, the President decides to run for a third term."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s time to play Power Grab !!

2 Power Grab!! Since the US is facing a severe financial crisis, the President decides to run for a third term.

3 Power Grab!! Because of his service to our country, Congress grants a former President the title of nobility, “Grand Poobah.”

4 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court rules that because of our large national debt, the US can no longer borrow money.

5 Power Grab!! The President declares war on China.

6 Power Grab!! In order to raise more money, campaign for re-election, and take a long vacation, Congress decides not to meet in 2017.

7 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court declares that since Washington D.C. is not in any state, residents there may not vote in national elections.

8 Power Grab!! The President declares that Supreme Court justices will now serve 8 year terms.

9 Power Grab!! In order to raise money, Congress declares a $200 tax on voting (poll tax).

10 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court rules that anyone found guilty of a terrorist act will have their hands cut off.

11 Power Grab!! The President declares that a new 28 th Amendment to the Constitution will give him emergency powers for life.

12 Power Grab!! Congress declares that beards are illegal and that anyone who wore one in the past year must pay a $1,000 fine.

13 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court declares the income tax illegal.

14 Power Grab!! The President orders that a new coin be made with his picture on it.

15 Power Grab!! Congress votes themselves a $400,000 pay increase effective immediately.

16 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court rules that they will begin choosing United States Senators.

17 Power Grab!! Your land is in the way of a new Federal highway so the President takes it without paying you.

18 Power Grab!! Congress passes a law naming 15 college students guilty of crimes against the government and orders them expelled from school.

19 Power Grab!! The Supreme Court declares that the President is too sick to continue in office and that the Vice-President is now Acting President.

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