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Fill out the Note cards on your desk with the following information: ► ► Name ► ► Elementary school you came from ► ► where you are from originally ► ►

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Presentation on theme: "Fill out the Note cards on your desk with the following information: ► ► Name ► ► Elementary school you came from ► ► where you are from originally ► ►"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill out the Note cards on your desk with the following information: ► ► Name ► ► Elementary school you came from ► ► where you are from originally ► ► Which learner profile trait do you think best fits you? Why? ► ► Which learner profile trait do you need to work on the most? Why? ► ► If you had a time machine, where and when would you go?.

2 Body Rituals Among the Nacirema Horace Miner


4 Notgnihsaw Chopping down the tree where the Spirit of Truth lived How would you spell “Notgnihsaw” backwards?

5 Nacirema Shrines

6 Wattle and Daub homes

7 Shrine Box and Shrine Chest

8 Medicine Men and their ancient secret language

9 Herbalists

10 Font beneath charm box

11 Rite of ablution and Community Water Temple

12 Water purification ritual

13 Holy-Mouth-Men

14 Bundle of hair and toxic potions

15 Scraping/cutting face & Women Baking their heads in ovens

16 Latipsoh

17 Maidens

18 Listener Of course we tend to call them a Psychiatrist

19 In Conclusion... ► What is “Nacirema” spelled backwards? ► How were the Nacirema described by Dr. Miner? ► Was it fair to call the Nacirema so strange? ► Do we do that with other cultures?

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