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Created by: Maureen Burke, Allison Hildebrandt & Sarah Herkins

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1 Created by: Maureen Burke, Allison Hildebrandt & Sarah Herkins
Native Americans Created by: Maureen Burke, Allison Hildebrandt & Sarah Herkins Ed 417 Dr. Helms

2 Native Americans Second Grade Social Studies Strands

3 Table of Contents American Heritage People in Societies
World Interactions Decision Making and Resources Democratic Processes Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Science, Technology, and Society

4 American Heritage Activities
The students will create a time line of the different Native American tribes in Ohio. After reading the story Buffalo Jump, the students will retell the story in groups using beginning, middle, and end. The students will visit Sunwatch Village to examine historical artifacts, documents, and photos. After the field trip to Sunwatch Village, the class will do a venn diagram to compare and contrast the Native American lifestyle to modern day life. The students will put on a play for the school showing different Native American activities and traditions.

5 Timeline Of Native American Pottery

6 American Heritage Websites
Sun Watch Indian Village Archeological Park Native American Home Pages Native American Maps

7 American Heritage Websites continued 4
American Heritage Websites continued 4. Native American History Time lines of Native Americans

8 People in Societies Activities
The students will split up into groups. Each group will represent a tribe and discuss the characteristics of their tribe. The students will take a field trip to the Blue Jacket Drama. Students will wear traditional Native American clothing and eat foods from this culture. After researching Native American names, the students will create their own Native American names. The students will use maps to locate where Native American tribes lived in past.

9 People in Societies Websites
Native American Recipes Tecumseh Blue Jacket

10 People in Societies Continued
4. Indian Mounds Native American Clothing

11 World Interaction Activities
Students will discuss Native Americans common problems among different tribes Students will create a map of a Native American tribal grounds. The students will write a short story describing how Native American children would adapt to city life in our society. The students will use cardinal directions to help pin point specific areas on the map to where Native Americans lived. Using stations students will travel the route of the daily Native American chores.

12 World Interactions Websites
Trail of Tears Fort Ancient Culture 3. The National Atlas of the U.S.A Hopewell Culture 5. Cultural Resources

13 Decision Making and Resource Activities
The students will create a wampum using construction paper, markers, tape, and glue. Students will prepare a Native American dish called Blueberry Wojapi. The students will create a Native American village. Have the students design costume or jewelry worn by Native Americans. They will use natural resources. The class will make ceremonial rattles using milk cartons and beans.

14 Decision Making and Resources Websites
1.) Ohio Native American Rambles 2.) Native American Cultures 3.) Historical Wampum 4.) Beadwork 5.) Native American Museum

15 Democratic Processes Activities
The students will role play a tribal council meeting. Each student will play the role of a specific tribal position in the Native American community. The students will discuss what duties each tribal position must fulfill. The class will create a diagram that displays the hierarchical structure of the roles within our class tribe. The students will referee a Native American game. The students will use higher order thinking skill to discover why the Native American community united towards a common goal.

16 Democratic Processes Websites
Northeast Wigwam North American Indians Miami History 4. Tribal Government Websites 5. Coquille Indian Tribal Court

17 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activities
The class will create a set of rules for the tribe to follow They will devise penalties for breaking their tribal rules The class will write a letter to the president about the relocation of their tribe The students will participate a tribal vote presenting arguments both for and against relocation The class will discuss how a tribe assigns responsibilities to the members.

18 Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Websites
Myths and Legends for American Indian Youth 2. Great Chiefs and Leaders 3. Indian Chiefs 4. Native American Index 5. Constitution of the Coctaw Nation

19 Science, Technology, and Society Activities
1. Video record a television program that is related to the Native American theme. 2. Write a description of two websites that are related to the Native American theme. 3. Find an electronic article about Native Americans and orally describe it to the class. 4. Create a word search or crossword puzzle on the computer that is related to Native Americans. 5. Find and print two clip art pictures that are related to the Native American theme

20 Science, Technology, and Society Websites
1. Public Broadcasting Station – 2. Native American Magazine – 3. National Museum of the American Indian – 4. Smithsonian Institution of Native American Artifacts – 5. Free Clipart –

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