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Classroom Resources for Cancer Biology By Jennifer A. Williams Under the faculty guidance of Dr. Cynthia Klevickis 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Resources for Cancer Biology By Jennifer A. Williams Under the faculty guidance of Dr. Cynthia Klevickis 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Resources for Cancer Biology By Jennifer A. Williams Under the faculty guidance of Dr. Cynthia Klevickis 2002

2 Activities for the Classroom 1.Introducing the Classroom to Cancer. 2.Microscopic Observations of Cancer Cells. 3.Cancer Warrior: A Treatment for Cancer. 4.Treating Cancer: A Look into Clinical Trials. 5.Risk Factors: No Smoking Please! 6.Toxicity Testing with Nicotine. 7.All you need to know about Breast Cancer.

3 8. Cooking for Cancer

4 A presentation on foods that help reduce the risk of getting cancer and dietary risk factors.

5 Why am I telling you about foods and cancer? Most people are not aware of how they can lessen the risk of obtaining cancer.

6 30% of all cancers are due to tobacco use, and between 35 to 50% of all cancers are associated with diet. These cancers are preventable.

7 Carcinogens Origins Inhibitors Vitamins Promoters

8 Fiber Dr. Dennis Burkitt Colon Cancer Western Nations Animal Products Plant Products

9 How Does Fiber Work To Prevent Cancer? Moves food quickly through the digestive tract. Pulls in water. Water and fiber make carcinogens more diluted. Binds to Bile acids.

10 Fiber and Breast Cancer Studies show that breast cancer is less common to those that have a diet high in fiber. Estrogens –Normally secreted into the digestive tract. –High levels are associated with breast cancer.

11 Whole grains, beans, peas, lentils, vegetables, and fruits are the best sources of fiber. Foods should also be closest to their natural state, which is unrefined and unpeeled, to have the highest amount of fiber. They take 26 nutrients out of whole wheat to make white flour, but they only add 4 back.

12 Field of Greens Pizza

13 Whole Wheat Excellent source of fiber. Contains insoluble fiber. Experts suggest that you should have around 6-11 servings of grains a day. –Of this, you should have 3 or more servings of whole grains.

14 Dietary Fat Populations with the highest levels of fat consumption also have the highest death rates from breast and colon cancer. Risk and Survival Rates Animal Fat vs. Vegetable Fat

15 Fat and Cancer Increases hormone production. Stimulates bile acid production. The average American diet is about 37% fat. Fat intake should be below 30% in order to prevent cancer.

16 Vegetables! Vegetables are low in fat and high in fiber and they contain many cancer-fighting substances.

17 Sprouts Alfalfa Sprouts –Contain Phytoestrogens –Including Lignans Induction of cancer cell differentiation, inhibition of tyrosine kinase, and suppression of angiogenesis

18 Broccoli Broccoli has multiple cancer-fighting properties High in Fiber. Phytochemicals –Indoles Medium Size Stalk –220% of daily value of Vitamin C –15% of daily value of vitamin A – Beta Carotene.

19 Carrots Contains Cartenoids –Acts as antioxidants Contains Beta- carotene –traps free radicals to help prevent cancer

20 Cauliflower Indoles –Turns off estrogen hormones Sulforaphane –Immune system Folic Acid –Cell division –Immune system Vitamin C –Antioxidant properties –Immune system

21 Spinach High Amounts of Vitamin A and K –Helps regulate cell division and communication –Immune System Also contain the cartenoid Beta- Carotene –Anti-oxidant properties

22 Vitamins and Cancer Beta-carotene –Lung, bladder, mouth, larynx, esophagus, and breast cancers Vitamin C –Cancers of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, and stomach. Selenium –Prostate, Colon, and Lung Cancers.

23 Questions?

24 Works Cited Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. “Foods for Cancer Prevention.” November 18, 1998. foods_for_cancer_prevention.html Sizer, Frances and Eleanor Whitney. Nutrition Concepts and Controversies. Stanford: 2000. Arnot M.D., Bob. The Breast Cancer Prevention Diet. Boston: 1998. University of Alberta Campus Fitness & Lifestyle Centre Homepage. “Broccoli.gif” 1999. /oct..htm

25 Works Cited, con’t International Sprouts Growers Association. “Alfalfa Sprouts Connected with Prevention of Menopausal Symptoms, Osteoporosis, Cancer, and Heart Disease.” January 20, 2002. http://www.isga- Broccoli Town, USA. “Broccoli and Your Health.” 1998. ticles.htm Medical “Cauliflower.” 2002. m

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