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Innovations in Climate Protection Policies – what can the Arab world learn from European countries? American University of Beirut (AUB) Danyel Reiche12/12/2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovations in Climate Protection Policies – what can the Arab world learn from European countries? American University of Beirut (AUB) Danyel Reiche12/12/2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovations in Climate Protection Policies – what can the Arab world learn from European countries? American University of Beirut (AUB) Danyel Reiche12/12/2008

2 Presentation Outline Research Question

3 Presentation Outline Research Question Research Hypothesis

4 Presentation Outline Research Question Research Hypothesis Relevance of the Subject

5 Presentation Outline Research Question Research Hypothesis Relevance of the Subject Case Studies

6 Presentation Outline Research Question Research Hypothesis Relevance of the Subject Case Studies Significance of Research Hypothesis

7 Presentation Outline Research Question Research Hypothesis Relevance of the Subject Case Studies Significance of Research Hypothesis Conclusions

8 Is the playing field for national innovations in climate change policy receding because of globalization and Europeanization? Research Question

9 Is there a shifting of power from the nation- state to the supranational and global level? Nation-State Global Level EU- Level

10 Dwindling of State Governance ? International: National powerlessness in the global and European context National: Reduced capability to govern internally

11 Arguments for the Powerlessness of the Nation-State Global character of environmental problems

12 Arguments for the Powerlessness of the Nation State Global character of environmental problems Vulnerability of national economies in global competition

13 Research Hypothesis The nation-state remains the most important operator for innovations in in climate change policies

14 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030

15 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030 Transportation accounts for 30 % of worldwide energy consumption

16 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030 Transportation accounts for 30 % of worldwide energy consumption Transportation is the heaviest growing sector within the energy consumption field

17 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030 Transportation accounts for 30 % of worldwide energy consumption Transportation is the heaviest growing sector within the energy consumption field In 2004, there were 531 million automobiles worldwide

18 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030 Transportation accounts for 30 % of worldwide energy consumption Transportation is the heaviest growing sector within the energy consumption field In 2004, there were 531 million automobiles worldwide The number of automobiles increases by 11 million per year worldwide

19 Relevance of the Subject IEA-prediction: Global energy consumption will rise by 53 % from 2006 to 2030 Transportation accounts for 30 % of worldwide energy consumption Transportation is the heaviest growing sector within the energy consumption field In 2004, there were 531 million automobiles worldwide The number of automobiles increases by 11 million per year worldwide China and India have the highest growth rates (10-15%)

20 Research Hypothesis The nation-state remains the most important operator for innovations in climate change policies

21 Case Study 1 Germany: Pioneer in the production of electricity from wind and PV

22 Case Study 1 Germany: Pioneer in the production of electricity from wind and PV Feed-In Tariff law (minimum payment system)

23 Case Study 2 Germany: Currently the only country with shrinking transportation emissions

24 Case Study 2 Germany: currently the only industrial country with shrinking transportation emissions Background: The ecological tax and duties reform 1999: 3,07 Cent 2000: 3,07 Cent 2001: 3,07 Cent 2002: 3,07 Cent 2003: 3,07 Cent 15,3 Cent/l fuel

25 Case Study 3 Smart 3-Liter-Lupo Germany: Pioneer in serial production of a 3- liter-automobile

26 Case Study 3 Smart 3-Liter-Lupo Germany: Pioneer in serial production of a 3- liter-automobile Voluntary self-commitment of the automobile industry “in the shadow of hierarchy“

27 Case Study 4 Norway: Pioneer of ethical guidelines for investment policy

28 Case Study 4 Norway: Pioneer of ethical guidelines for investment policy “Active Ownership” and Exclusion of companies

29 Significance of Research Hypothesis

30 The Nation-State on a Global Level 1. Interdependence manager instead of “govern beyond the nation-state”

31 The Nation-State on a Global Level 1. Interdependence manager instead of “govern beyond the nation-state” 2. Diffusion of environmental innovations instead of competitive disadvantages by stricter environmental policies

32 The Nation State on a Global Level 1. Interdependence manager instead of “govern beyond the nation state” 2. Diffusion of environmental innovations instead of competitive disadvantages by stricter environmental policies Essential role of the nation-state at the global level

33 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines

34 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines Indicative objectives lead to regulative competition

35 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines Indicative objectives lead to regulative competition ´best practice`

36 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines Indicative objectives lead to regulative competition ´best practice` Continuing relevance of the Council of Ministers

37 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines Indicative objectives lead to regulative competition ´best practice` Continuing relevance of the Council of Ministers Implementation in national colors

38 The Nation-State in the EU MOC instead of binding guidelines Indicative objectives lead to regulative competition ´best practice` Continuing relevance of the Council of Ministers Implementation in national colors Essential role of the nation-state at the EU level

39 Limitations of the Nation-State 1) Mode of supranational centralization

40 Limitations of the Nation-State 1) Mode of supranational centralization 2) Principle of open statehood

41 Limitations of the Nation-State 1) Mode of supranational centralization 2) Principle of open statehood 3) Decision by qualified majority

42 Conclusions

43 Partial sovereignty opposes the positive effect of globalization: this has created an arena for pioneer countries, so that their policies in transnational diffusion processes can spread. The nation-state in a changing environment continues to be the most important authority on all political levels.

44 Thank you for your attention !

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