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1 Object orientation. 2 What benefits does OO give? Primarily –Encapsulation (Associates data & operations) –Types & specialisation –Software re-use.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Object orientation. 2 What benefits does OO give? Primarily –Encapsulation (Associates data & operations) –Types & specialisation –Software re-use."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Object orientation

2 2 What benefits does OO give? Primarily –Encapsulation (Associates data & operations) –Types & specialisation –Software re-use

3 3 “Manage the seams” Define major interfaces between components And design so that there aren’t too many major interfaces

4 4 Thinking about objects How to discover classes? What kinds of relationships? How to design for reuse? How to capture design? How to correct the design when you realise it’s wrong? (!)

5 5 Analysis & Design OO Analysis. A method of analysis in which requirements are examined from the perspective of the classes and objects found in the vocabulary of the problem domain. OO Design. A method of design encompassing the process of object-oriented decomposition and a notation for depicting both logical and physical as well as static and dynamic models of the system under design; specifically, the notation includes class diagrams, object diagrams, module diagrams and process diagrams. (BOOCH)

6 6 2 perspectives on OOA & OOD OO Analysis is a kind of design –traceability of objects from analysis to design (Jacobsen) Design features tend to creep into analysis –and this is bad (Embley et al)

7 7 Discovering classes (Quatrani) Entity –Information + behaviour that is generally long-lived. Look for nouns and noun-phrases describing responsibility Boundary –Communication between system surroundings & inside of system, e.g. interface to user or to another system Control –Behaviour specific to one or more use cases (scenarios). ‘Runs’ that particular use case

8 8 Identifying relationships ‘Kind-of’ (subclassing) different from ‘Part-of’ (collaboration — or, more precisely, aggregation) So don’t make SteeringWheel subclass of Car just so it can access all the car information!

9 9 OO modelling for biology So should Vicia faba be modelled as a subclass of Vicia? Or as a part of Vicia? NEITHER – at the design phase we’re modelling programming objects So a suitable class might be Taxon (debatable whether we should have a hierarchy – depends on intended use)

10 10 Two kinds of ‘standard’ reuse Reuse by inheritance Reuse by composition

11 11 What is inheritance for? A means of indicating relationships A means of programming-by- difference

12 12 Refactoring Your first design is probably wrong! So look for ways of refactoring Particularly expensive to refactor major objects, so try to get that bit right early The ‘innards’ can be refactored much more readily (e.g. could change wrapper architecture without altering the way clients interface with wrappers)

13 13 Modelling

14 14 Introduction The UML was devised with the aims: –To be a standard (now adopted by the OMG) –To model aspects generally regarded as important: static dynamic functional –To be extensible

15 15 Background Designed by 3 major players in OOA/OOD (Booch, Rumbaugh & Jacobsen) Intended to provide a universal means of communicating design A design has a relevance outside the particular process by which it was created

16 16 Kinds of diagram Nine kinds of diagram (some related): –Class and Object diagrams –Use Case diagrams –Sequence diagrams –Collaboration diagrams –Statechart diagrams –Activity diagrams –Component and Deployment diagrams CRC cards are also often used for informal modelling (brainstorming)

17 17 Use Cases: Motivation Capturing scenarios in which a system is to be used Describing the details of how a particular scenario will be acted out

18 18 Benefits Help us both in: determining what kinds of classes are appropriate, and determining the processes that the code to be written will implement

19 19 What comprises a Use Case? The Use Case itself (names a particular scenario) The actors and their associations with each Use Case Documentation

20 20 Example Borrower Reserve book Borrow copy of book Return copy of book Extend Loan Update Catalogue Librarian Check for Reservation Refuse Loan >

21 21 Name: Reserve Book Description: Allow a borrower to reserve a book Preconditions: Member of library, no loans overdue,... Postconditions: The borrower will be placed on the waiting list for the book

22 22 Basic Course of Action 1.Borrower wants to reserve a book 2.Borrower submits details of book to be reserved 3.System determines whether borrower is eligible to reserve 4.Reservation stored 5.Confirmation of reservation given to borrower 6.Use Case Ends Alternative Course A: borrower ineligible A.3Inform borrower (s)he’s ineligible A.4Use Case ends

23 23 We can start suggesting classes... Borrower LibrarySystem Book Reservation...

24 24 Class & Object Diagrams Central to any genuinely object- oriented design is the relationship of objects — and of their classes — to each other

25 25 Static models - class diagrams

26 26 Static models - class diagrams

27 27 Example (Class Diagram) Note how this avoids the need for dynamic relationships or roles (both of which are supported by UML) PersonCompany Employment period: dateRange 1 * *1 0..1 *

28 28 Aggregation Captures the ‘part-of’ relationship. Diamond at the ‘whole’ end

29 29 Object diagrams Relationship between specific objects

30 30 Object diagrams (ctd.) Can show relationship between classes and instances (use label >)

31 31 Summary Remember that the fundamental OO modelling technique is class modelling But class diagrams only allow us to name operations, rather than describe processes by which change occurs The UML also allows us to model dynamic and functional aspects of a system using other kinds of diagrams

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