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Topic liquid thaw.

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1 Topic liquid thaw

2 Purpose The reason we are doing this project is to see which liquid thaws the fastest. Hypothesis We think that the water will thaw the fastest because it’s the thinnest liquid.

3 The Materials 3 6 oz. cups of water 3 6 oz. cups of milk
3 6 oz. cups of apple juice Paper Pencil eraser measuring cup (6 oz.) Freezer Power point on computer 9 crispy cream cups Table Red name tag tray

4 The Procedures Step 1:we got our apple juice, milk, and water.
Step 2: we got a 8 oz. measuring cup. Step 3: we got oz. crispy cream cups. Step 4: we poured 6 oz. of water into 3 of the crispy cream cups. Step 5: repeat step 4 two more times with milk. Step 6: repeat step 4 two more times with apple juice. Step 7: we put our cups of liquid on a tray and into the freezer. Step 8:we waited over weekend. Step 9: we got them out at 8:40. Step 10: when the first cup thawed we recorded the time and trial. Step 11: keep recording the times of liquids thawing. Step 12: make a chart to show how long it took them to melt.


6 Conclusion Our hypothesis was wrong. We thought water would thaw the fastest, but in fact, apple juice thawed the quickest . The reason that this happened is because apple juice is thinner than water, and we think it has more ingredients than water. If we do this project again, the liquids we will chose will be coke, coffee creamer, and orange juice.

7 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Mrs. Ledbetter ,Mrs. Stroud ,and Mrs. Buscher , for helping with this project THANK YOU hope you enjoyed.

8 Destany And Taralyn Grade 5 th
Liquid thaw Destany And Taralyn Grade 5 th

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