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CGS-2531 Problem Solving with Computer Software Course home page: Course.

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Presentation on theme: "CGS-2531 Problem Solving with Computer Software Course home page: Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 CGS-2531 Problem Solving with Computer Software Course home page: Course Portal: Course Topics: Word 2010 Excel 2010 Powerpoint 2010 Technology issues: computer components, hardware, networking

2 Textbook E-book: Exploring Office 2010 (custom), Pearson, ISBN: 9781256281207 Purchase through course Portal. Available at UF Bookstore (for those on financial aid) You get: Access to E-book Access to Myitlab site, and materials, assignments, projects, etc., for this course. DO NOT PURCHASE Myitlab access code elsewhere.

3 Registering and Enrolling 1.Purchase an access code (portal or UF Bookstore) An access code looks like this: DSSXCA-FLVGF-PRBYS-ADNAU-HXABT-LAVTX 2.Go to UF portal. 3.Do the Installation process. 4.Register (recommend same login as your GatorLink account) 5.Login. 6.Enroll using course ID. A course ID looks like this: CRXAB4Y-815321

4 MAC Users New, experimental system. 1.Purchase access code, register and enroll ON A WINDOWS machine. 2.When ready to login, go to 3.Bottom left, click on “Mac Users”. 4.Follow instructions: download, install and run a “remote desktop program”. Will let you work for 90 mins. WILL NOT WORK FOR EXAM PROJECTS. You’ll need to do those on Windows.

5 Section 0946 Schedule: MWF: 3 rd period: Access code: CRSABD9-443698 MAKE SURE YOU ENROLL IN THE CORRECT SECTION.

6 Section 1060 Schedule: MWF: 5th period: Access code: CRSABNL-443699 MAKE SURE YOU ENROLL IN THE CORRECT SECTION.

7 Section 1056 Schedule: MWF: 7th period: Access code: CRSABFH-443700 MAKE SURE YOU ENROLL IN THE CORRECT SECTION.

8 Section 06FG Schedule: MWF: 10th period: Access code: CRSABZJ-443701 MAKE SURE YOU ENROLL IN THE CORRECT SECTION.

9 Class Policies Attendance: Recommended, not required. Exam Projects: On-line (more later) Homeworks: Weekly, on-line. Due at 11:59:00 p.m. EXACTLY. NO LATE HW accepted Multiple submissions OK (highest grade kept) Myitlab will NOT submit for you at deadline. STRONG ADVICE: finish a day early. YOU MUST CHECK YOUR Grade before the deadline.

10 GRADES 40% Homeworks (14 of them) Homeworks 2,8, and 12 have multiple parts 60% Exam projects (3 of them, 20% each) A 92-100 A- 90-91 B+ 87-89 B 83-86 B- 80-82 C+ 77-79 C 73-76 C- 70-72 D+ 67-69 D 63-66 D- 60-62 75 or higher is required for a E 0-59 grade of S (S/U option )

11 Contacting Us (email or office hours) Administrative issues: Course Coordinator. Questions about the material: Course Instructor or Support TA Technical Support for your computer: Pearson (see portal page) Please DO NOT use the Myitlab messaging system, nor UF Sakai or E-learning.

12 Final Thoughts Read the Syllabus, please.

13 Final Thoughts Read the Syllabus (again)

14 Final Thoughts Read the Syllabus, dang it.

15 Questions ??

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