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Cross-border Payments and Currency Exchange Business with China

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1 Cross-border Payments and Currency Exchange Business with China

2 Partners China’s Central Bank (PBOC) has approved Guangzhou Union Pay (GZUP) to conduct B2B cross-border payment business denominated in Renminbi (Rmb). Global Link (GLP), a Master Account Holder of GZUP, currently conducts Remittance business in Hong Kong; AirMoolah has partnered with MercuryFX to offer currency exchange – 60 currencies AirMoolah Hong Kong Limited, incorporated in Hong Kong, is the appointed entity to internationalize the Remittance Gateway.

3 Advantages GZUP wishes to establish and market this Cross-border Payment Gateway to enable legitimate transactions to be performed seamlessly and efficiently with China Businesses will be able to transfer funds in Renminbi without converting to US Dollars before converting to Renminbi (and vice versa). Businesses need not go through the time consuming and complicated procedures that are faced in banks

4 We handle legitimate B2B transactions!
AirMoolah’s Mission AirMoolah’s role is to seek qualified Partners worldwide to work with GZUP. For example: Banks, Credit Unions, Trust Companies, Trustees Many financial institutions do not have direct inbound and outbound facilities for funds transfer with China. We are interested to establish relationships with them. Forex/Currency Exchange Companies Like financial institutions, FX or CE companies may not have direct remittance gateways to China. Money Transfer Companies Reputable Money Transfer Operators (MTO) that do not have direct remittance gateways to China. We handle legitimate B2B transactions!

5 Preferred Transactions
Corporate entities that have the need to remit monies in and out of China (and elsewhere worldwide): Business transaction payments Supported by Invoices, Shipping documents, Agreements, Payroll Individuals who wish to remit monies in and out of China International students - Tuition fees Tourists industry Insurance Professional Fees For Financing, Investment, Real Estate transactions, call us! We may have other solutions.

6 Inbound Workflow

7 Outbound Workflow

8 Process of Relationship
AirMoolah qualifies Partner AirMoolah obtains Partner’s corporate profile Complete bi-lingual NDA with GZUP Complete Account set up with GZUP by signing Agreement We also have relationships with ChinaPay which has the P2P license in China.

9 Contact Stanley Loh Web Site:
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