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Unit 2: Political Ideology. Political Ideology One’s basic beliefs about power, political values, and the role of government Comes from your economical,

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Political Ideology. Political Ideology One’s basic beliefs about power, political values, and the role of government Comes from your economical,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Political Ideology

2 Political Ideology One’s basic beliefs about power, political values, and the role of government Comes from your economical, educational, and social experiences (race, location, etc.)

3 Liberals (The Left) Believes government main role is to help welfare and civil rights of all people Believes government main role is to help welfare and civil rights of all people Raise taxes to provide increase in services Raise taxes to provide increase in services

4 Conservatives (The Right) Believes in limiting gov’t role in helping individuals economically Believes in limiting gov’t role in helping individuals economically Gov’t main job is protecting country Gov’t main job is protecting country Supports traditional values and lifestyles Supports traditional values and lifestyles

5 Moderates (Middle) Usually have some beliefs on liberal side and some conservative (most Americans are here) Ex. – economically liberal, socially conservative

6 Representative Party Liberal Democratic Party Conservative Republican Party

7 Abortion & Birth Control Abortion & Birth Control Liberals Pro – Choice (For) Sex ed for teens in school Free access to birth control Conservative Pro – Life (Against) Abstinence only in school Restrict access to birth control

8 Same Sex Marriage Liberals Believe it should be legal Not a moral issue, but an equality issue and it is protected by the Constitution Conservatives Believe it should not be legal Support a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage Is a moral issue tied to religion


10 Death Penalty Liberals Against it (Anti) Would like to see it banned by the national government Conservatives For it (Pro) “Eye for an eye”

11 Taxes and Social Spending LiberalsIncrease Used to support social programs in the states like Shelters & Section 8 Housing Shelters & Section 8 Housing Financial aid Financial aid Food programs Food programs Conservatives Decrease Social programs in the states should be supported through donations “Trickle Down Economics”


13 Minimum Wage Liberals For it – would like to see it increased Believe national government should set it to protect workers Conservatives Against it – would like to see it end Believe it is too much regulation on business


15 Immigration Liberals Law-abiding illegal immigrants should be able to stay Especially “dreamers” Conservatives Strengthen border security Deport all illegal immigrants

16 Attitude Towards Criminals Liberals Want rights of accused protected first and foremost Interested in finding out “why” person committed crime Conservatives Want rights of victims protected first and foremost Not concerned with “why” person committed crime

17 Defense Spending Liberals Decrease Use more for social spending Conservative Increase or maintain

18 Generalizations on Ideology Racial: Blacks more liberal than Hispanics; whites most conservative Age: Younger Americans more liberal Gender: Women more liberal Religion: Catholics and Jews more liberal; More religious = more conservative Education: More educated= more liberal Wealth: Richer= more conservative

19 Ideology by state

20 Political Ideology: Demographics

21 Communism/Socialism (Far Left) Violent overthrow of the gov’t Services for all – healthcare, education Gov’t controls important industries (oil, steel, etc) Raise taxes for these services

22 Libertarians (Far Right) Believes in reducing federal and state gov’t to an absolute minimum (end gov’t services) All about individual freedom – gov’t shoudn’t tell you what to do (legalize drugs, abortion, prostitution, seat belt laws, smoking in public places)


24 U.S. has a Two party system Two Party System – Tradition in the U.S. – Single Member Districts (winner take all); 7 th ; 15 th ; 16 th Single Member Districts7 th15 th16 thSingle Member Districts7 th15 th16 th

25 Minor parties Types: Single Issue – only one thing matters Single Issue – only one thing matters Economic Protest – overthrow the system Economic Protest – overthrow the system Ideological – Left, right or moderate Ideological – Left, right or moderate

26 Political Socialization Things that influence one’s political ideology (i.e. – why are you liberal/conservative) Influence Family, friends, school, media, religion Family, friends, school, media, religion

27 Foreign Relations Liberals Negotiate first Then, work with allies Conservative Negotiate first Then, take action even without support (pre-emptive if necessary)

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