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Pervasive software interoperability for the Operating Room of the Future May 10, 2005.

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1 Pervasive software interoperability for the Operating Room of the Future May 10, 2005

2 UMBC The University of Maryland Baltimore County One of the three research campuses in the University of Maryland System Ranked in top tier of nation's research universities--Doctoral/Research Universities-Extensive -- by the Carnegie Foundation Has 500 full time and 335 part time faculty, 10K undergraduate and 2K graduate students Located in suburban Baltimore County, between Baltimore and Washington DC. Special focus on science, engineering, information technology and public policy with ~$80M in external research funding in 2003

3 IT @ UMBC Information Technology has UMBC’s largest concentration of faculty & students Over 100 faculty and more than 2500 students College of Engineering and Information Technology Degree programs (graduate and undergraduate) Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Systems, Electrical Engineering, Digital Imaging, and Systems Engineering Certificate and training programs (degree and non-degree) Bioinformatics, Electronic Government, Information Security, Web Development, Systems Administration, Oracle, CISCO, … Many institutes and centers Center for Women and Information Technology, Center for Information Security and Assurance, Bioinformatics Research Center, Center for Photonics, …

4 UMBC Ebiquity Research Group Intelligent Information Systems Networking & Systems Security AI DB semantic web mobility pervasive computing trust privacy assurance web services/SOC user modeling wireless data mining machinelearning knowledge management KR intrusion detection context awareness policies IR wearable computing DRM HPCC

5 Building intelligent systems in open, heterogeneous, dynamic, distributed environments

6 Human Evolution? ubiquitous, pervasive computing services must adapt to homo sapiens and their environments

7 Pervasive Computing “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it ” – Mark Weiser Think: writing, central heating, electric lighting, plumbing, telephones … Not: taking your laptop to the beach, sending SMS messages on your cell phone or immersing yourself into a virtual reality

8 Today life is still simple


10 But it’s getting complicated!



13 Coordination can be automatic

14 If systems become smarter As complexity & expectations increase, software & hardware systems must evolve to be Self describing and self organizingSelf describing and self organizing Able to negotiate for the services and resources Context aware and capable of adjusting their behavior as appropriateAble to negotiate for the services and resources Context aware and capable of adjusting their behavior as appropriate Capable of adapting and learningCapable of adapting and learning Able to communicate naturally with peopleAble to communicate naturally with people

15 In the OR of the future, too Trauma Pod ‘06 will have arms and eyes but no brain Trauma Pod ‘20 will need to be smarter and much more aware 2005: da Vinci Surgical Robot 2020: Automated Trauma Pod treats wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

16 Three Key Enablers Semantic interoperability Greater context awareness and intelligence Agents driven by policies and workflow 1 1 2 2 3 3



19 How can we control such a system? As we evolve to a system of semi- autonomous components, control is an issue Self managing, self healing Norms of behavior can provide mechanisms for control (e.g. capture workflows, constraints, …) We need better ways of describing and using Policies which serve as norms of behavior

20 Policies Govern Autonomous Systems 1 A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2 A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. - Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.

21 It’s policies all the way down In Asimov’s world, the robots couldn’t always follow their policies Unlike traditional “hard coded” rules like DB access control & OS file permissions We need policies about what happens when policies are not followed, … So, it’s natural to worry about … How entities governed by multiple policies can resolve conflicts among them How to deal with failure to follow policies – sanctions, reputation, trust, etc. Whether policy engineering will be any easier than software engineering 1 A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2 A robot must obey the orders given it by hu- man beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3 A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. - Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.

22 An EasyMeeting Scenario The broker detects Alice’s presence B    Policy says, “can share with any agents in the room” A B The broker builds the context model Web Alice “beams” her policy to the broker B Policy says, “inform my personal agent of my location” A B.. isLocatedIn..

23 An EasyMeeting Scenario Her agent informs the broker of her role and intentions + The broker tells her location to her agent A The projector agent wants to help Alice The projector agent asks slide show info. B The projector agent sets up the slides The broker informs the subscribed agents B

24 Enforcing Domain Policies



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