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A DVANCED P LACEMENT IN C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION WA-ACTE Conference, August 2015 Barbara Dittrich, Mary Nagel and Lance Wrzesinski OSPI.

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Presentation on theme: "A DVANCED P LACEMENT IN C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION WA-ACTE Conference, August 2015 Barbara Dittrich, Mary Nagel and Lance Wrzesinski OSPI."— Presentation transcript:

1 A DVANCED P LACEMENT IN C AREER AND T ECHNICAL E DUCATION WA-ACTE Conference, August 2015 Barbara Dittrich, Mary Nagel and Lance Wrzesinski OSPI

2 AP/CTE C ONNECTION  34 AP Courses  16 Career Clusters  Complementary rather than competitive  Many curriculum connections

3 R ELEVANCE + R IGOR = A DVANCED S TUDENT A CHIEVEMENT CTE Computer Programming AP Computer Science A CTE Commercial Art, Advertising/Illustration AP Studio Art Drawing, 2D, 3D AP Environmental Science AP Macroeconomics, Microeconomics AP Psychology CTE Natural Resources CTE Family Systems CTE Economics CTE Business Marketing AP Statistics

4 H ISTORY OF AP/CTE C ONNECTIONS IN WASHINGTON STATE  OSPI initiative promoted by WA-ACTE  2007 WAVA presentation: Administrators expressed interest  2008 SSSB 6377 passed by Washington Legislature  2008 Gave administrative and teacher workshops through WA-ACTE conferences  2009 Survey - tremendous potential for growth  AP/CTE Pilot Programs 2009-2013, a Mentor/Mentee model including professional development from College Board trainers

5 AP/CTE C OURSES IN PILOTS  AP Environmental Science  AP Studio Art, 2D, and 3D  AP Psychology  AP Computer Science A  AP Macro and Micro Economics

6 C OLLEGE B OARD R EQUIREMENTS TO L ABEL A C OURSE “AP”  Return subject specific AP Course Audit form  Submit course syllabus for each teacher of an AP course


8 W ASHINGTON S TATE R EQUIREMENTS TO L ABEL A CTE C OURSE “AP”  Course meets state WAC for CTE including common core alignment and 21 st century leadership standards  Program Specific Advisory Committee  Career and Technical Student Organization or equivalent  Submission of a course framework to OSPI for approval  Four-Year Rotation  Work-Based Learning  CTE Teacher Certification  Area Specific College Concentration  From Industry hours

9 R ESOURCES  College Board  OSPI  National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education

10 C OLLEGE B OARD AND OSPI  AP Central  Advanced Placement Resources for Students, Parents, and Educators  Advanced Placement (AP) Programs Brochure chure-Final.pdf chure-Final.pdf

11 AP P OTENTIAL  PSAT test  AP Potential Report  My College Quick Start

12 T EACHER P ROFESSIONAL D EVELOPMENT  AP Summer Institutes sponsored by the College Board  Bellevue School District  Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma  Spokane School District  Vancouver School District  Funding Sources  Carl Perkins  Title II  CTE

13 N ATIONAL I NTEREST IN AP /CTE  National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium  Collaboration to identify AP courses that are relevant to the 16 Career Clusters  Document intended to be used by students, parents, counselors and teachers to establish pathways of study for CTE students that lead to readiness for careers and postsecondary education

14 S UBSTITUTE H OUSE B ILL 1472  Enacted into law 2013 to improve and expand access to computer science education  AP Computer Science A credited as science or math  Encourage support from industry mentors including via synchronous video  Priority given to schools in rural areas with substantial enrollment of low-income students

15 I G RANTS 656  Competitive grants  Up to $10,000 for one year  Apply for either or both:  Partnership Grant  Technology and Professional Development Grant  Applications due October 9, 2015

16 AP/CTE P ILOT P ROGRAM 2015  AP Computer Science A  Teachers starting new classes through iGrants 656  CTE teachers starting new classes  Teachers expanding AP Computer Science A courses

17 C ONTACT I NFORMATION  Barbara Dittrich –  Mary Nagel –  Lance Wrzesinski –

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