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Presentation by: Amina Ibrahim Sheikh Abdulla ADDRESSING GENDER IN FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION The Zambia Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by: Amina Ibrahim Sheikh Abdulla ADDRESSING GENDER IN FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION The Zambia Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by: Amina Ibrahim Sheikh Abdulla ADDRESSING GENDER IN FOOD SECURITY AND NUTRITION The Zambia Experience

2  870 million people are undernourished; over 90% in developing countries (FAO)  239 million in Africa (1 in 4 people)  The world produces 17% more than it used to produce 4 decades ago (FAO,2002)  Most don’t have the means to produce nor the purchasing power to access food 2. Global Overview

3  Poverty-1.2 billion living below poverty line (50% female)  Conflict  Climate change- increased frequency of droughts, flooding 3 Principal Causes

4 4 Sub-Saharan Africa  413 million living in poverty-nearly half of its population  1 in 4 people is undernourished -most affected are women and children  In Zambia, 45% of children <5 are stunted with long term irreversible impact on development and future productivity  Linked to access to nutritious food and status of women in the communities they live in

5  Agricultural impact on nutrition and food security not just dependent on production  Involves a number of other factors: –Income from sale of produce –Interaction with market –Natural resource environment –Health environment –Control of income and assets –Knowledge, attitudes and practice  Tendency to address gender issues in most programmes is to target women in relation to transfer of inputs 5. Addressing Gender in Agriculture

6 6. Realigning Agriculture for Improved Nutrition (RAIN) Project to develop and demonstrate the effectiveness of a sustainable scalable model that integrates agriculture, nutrition and health interventions to prevent child and maternal under nutrition among rural communities in Zambia


8  Empowerment under the project focuses on –Individual (women’s skills, knowledge, confidence and aspirations) –Relational (ability to negotiate and influence relationships and decisions); –Structural (laws, policies, social norms and culture) –Associational  Detailed gender analysis undertaken at the onset of the project  Programme activities, materials and approach developed based on this analysis  Involves multiple stakeholders and groups in trainings, selection of extension workers and community conversations 8. How RAIN is Addressing Gender

9  Based on 2013 outcome analysis  Analysis explored links between women’s empowerment and knowledge and children’s nutrition and health outcomes  Women’s empowerment is positively associated with –minimum dietary diversity among children 6-23 months –the likelihood of visiting health clinic in the last 6 months 9 Findings from Rain Project

10 Thank You 10

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