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Getting Ready for 2015: What We Learned From the 2014 Inspire Democracy Workshops.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Ready for 2015: What We Learned From the 2014 Inspire Democracy Workshops."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Ready for 2015: What We Learned From the 2014 Inspire Democracy Workshops

2 The Webinar Team Miriam Lapp, Elections Canada Ellis Westwood, Ascentum Tristan Eclarin, Ascentum Neil Burron, Elections Canada

3 Agenda Welcome (5 min.) Presentation (25 min.) Questions (15 min.) Updates from organizations (45 min.)  Presentation will be shared and posted on website Calgary Québec

4 Wrap-up of workshops Getting ready for 2015: what you told us (1)Preparing your organization (2)Preparing youth (3)Disseminating information on registering and voting (Questions – 5 minutes) (4)Getting ready for election day (5)Working together Looking ahead Presentation Halifax Winnipeg

5 10 cities with over 130 organizations from 9 provinces and 1 territory Huge success! Five-point program of action Final report Wrap up of workshops Ottawa Moncton

6  Listen  Discuss  Train  Develop terms of reference  Expand programs and projects  Link civic engagement  Democracy Talks Democracy Talks 1. Preparing your organization Montréal Toronto

7  Host educational events  Promote electoral literacy  Organize debates and other experiential activities  Organize a mock election  Train “democratic ambassadors”  Produce a documentary  Talk about voting 2. Preparing youth A parallel election organized by Student Vote (photo credit: CIVIX)

8 3. Disseminating information on registering and voting  Disseminate EC info  Use multiple sources – including social media  Produce youth-friendly resources  Meet youth where they are  Encourage youth to use EC’s online registration online registration  Encourage youth to work at the pollswork at the polls

9 Questions?

10 4. Getting ready for election day  Organize transportation  Recognize youth voters  Promote friendly GOTV competitions  Get family involved  Creative outreach Vancouver

11 5. Working together  Collaborate  Co-develop tools  Support and promote groups  Develop a community  Create a get-out-the-vote network Edmonton

12 Looking ahead: What EC will do  Continue to make research, tools and info available  Continue to offer a platform for organizations  Help organizations exchange info and stay in contact  More webinars


14 Questions?

15 Updates from organizations 1.Does your organization have any project updates you would like to share? 2.Any new engagement initiatives to announce? 3.Future plans?

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