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EbA informing Local, National and International Policy Sarshen Marais and Farayi Madziwa, CSA- with inputs from Hannah Campbell, CI.

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Presentation on theme: "EbA informing Local, National and International Policy Sarshen Marais and Farayi Madziwa, CSA- with inputs from Hannah Campbell, CI."— Presentation transcript:

1 EbA informing Local, National and International Policy Sarshen Marais and Farayi Madziwa, CSA- with inputs from Hannah Campbell, CI

2 Provide demonstration examples to the adaptation community (policy and practice) of how EbA can improve human livelihoods, conserve biodiversity, and maintain ecosystem services; help us cope with climate change Link lessons learned to local, national and international climate adaptation planning and policy and finance; Increase inclusion of EbA approaches in policy and planning strategy… Policy Goals

3 How do we meet our policy goals? Develop and include policy outputs and goals in our project planning (in CI head office and the field efforts- Conservation SA in Namaqualand) Engage in Regional/Local and National policy planning opportunities as possible: Ex: inputs into NCCRP, disaster risk reduction plans etc.. Create clear and relevant communication materials that articulate our work and lessons learned- EbA booklet on case studies in Africa Include lessons learned, policy positions, case studies and best practices in International and National Forums: UNFCCC- climate change UNCBD- Convention Biological Diversity, Rio +20, UNCCD- Desertification Adaptation network and National CC committee Support “on the ground”staff to engage in policy dialogues at all levels

4 International Policy in 2011, supporting national inputs Participation in UNFCCC meetings (COP, SBSTA) with CI and supporting SA delegation- DEA, SANBI Working through National Adaptation Network (sit on steering committee) and CAN- Climate Action Network (SACAN, CAN) Submission of Nairobi Work Program Pledge - information platform for adaptation (Ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation Report to the Convention)- EbA project submitted. Rio+20 contributions to DEA submissions- Green Economy and EbA UNFCCC Agriculture Work Programme submissions

5 International Policy in 2011: UNFCCC Outcomes for Adaptation COP 17- Durban Dec 2011 Details have been agreed that build off of last year’s Cancun Agreements (COP 16) and include the forming of the Durban Platform: outlines the process to create a new agreement on climate change by 2015. This includes mitigation with a view to binding targets and will include adaptation. Outcomes:  The launch of the Green Climate Fund,  Rules for REDD+ (forest and other veg) including finance advanced  Progress on adaptation issues  Little progress on agriculture, still deciding regarding a work programme for agriculture

6 Call to synthesize information on adaptation activities and good practices; The Nairobi Work Programme will continue to inform the negotiations. Workshops on EbA and Water Resource Management. No agriculture under NWP but in annex for future. Increased focus on business adaptation- Private Sector Initiative Support and call for National Adaptation Plans, includes developing countries Adaptation committee operational- coordinates adaptation-a developing county focus-governance issues and representatives being discussed International Policy in 2011: UNFCCC Outcomes for Adaptation


8 Harnessing Synergies and Celebrating Successes


10 National policy – South Africa National Build on National CC Response Strategy and adaptation flagship: 8.8 The Adaptation Research Flagship Programme Led by the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the design and roll-out of a national and regional research programme to scope sectoral adaptation requirements and costs and identify adaptation strategies with cross-sectoral linkages and benefits, including an assessment of climate change vulnerabilities in the sub-region, with a detailed scenario planning process to define potential sub-regional response strategies. Other flagships: Expanded public works programmes and water demand management. To support EbA on the ground…..

11 Local policy SA NDM and Disaster Risk Reduction plans -CSA is part of the Disaster Management Advice Forum of the NDM which meets quarterly -CSA took part in several meetings and workshops for the development of the Disaster Risk Assessments and reduction plans. -Currently workshops for Disaster Reduction Management plan- with each Municipality is ongoing-March- June 2012 Engagement with Provincial Department –planned input into the Provincial Climate Change Response Strategy –under development CSA provided a presentation at the provincial climate change summit last year as the start for drafting the response strategy. CSA continue to host capacity building workshops around our EbA work and share through various communication channels (Radio, Veepos, website etc)

12 Local policy cont…partnerships supporting EbA CSA is now a registered role-player on the Expanded Public Works Programme (Working fors… wetlands, water,.. land..) forum that meets regularly and has registered our projects, BRI, SKEPPIES and Eco Rangers for incentives to ensure sustainability – supports monitoring + extension…. MOU with DENC - Collaborate and taking all necessary steps to implement the Biodiversity Stewardship programme in Namaqualand in support of DENC’s Stewardship Strategy and Action Plan. Working with SANParks in training and building the capacity of eco rangers through their social development processes. Ecorangers will receive free month long training in predator best practice

13 Policy- Brazil + Philippines, SA Comparing policy approaches regional, national International is common to all 3- review of impact Internal and external communication and sharing of information on policy and research and implementation- policy briefs, position, field office inputs Shared through CSA networks- Veepos, websites, blogs etc Monitoring of overall policy impact in national and international arena of EbA integration

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