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Exceptional customer care environments Graduates in the Creative Age Nick de Jong People Process Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Exceptional customer care environments Graduates in the Creative Age Nick de Jong People Process Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exceptional customer care environments Graduates in the Creative Age Nick de Jong People Process Technology

2 Exceptional customer care environments The need expressed Millennials Left brain-right brain –Self evaluation Solutions Agenda

3 Exceptional customer care environments Agricultural Age 5000 years Industrial Age130 years Knowledge Age 25 years Creative Age?? Creative Age

4 Exceptional customer care environments Industrial age invention College system - prepare people for jobs Need to reinvent itself?? Grant degrees?? What is the new work force? Mass Education

5 Exceptional customer care environments Tom Peters Shift Happens..\My Videos\didyouknow - best version.wmv..\My Videos\didyouknow - best version.wmv Ontario in the Creative Age Conference Board of Canada Daniel Pink Creativity? Says who?

6 Exceptional customer care environments Industry needs innovation Traditionalists at the top are impeding change Women have better skills for innovation Education is not helping What are the Messages

7 Exceptional customer care environments Traditional Jobs are moving to 3 rd world A “job” as we know it is disappearing Technology is changing rapidly New information is exponential The internet is everywhere What are the Messages

8 Exceptional customer care environments The rise of the creative age presents us in Ontario with two great challenges: –How do we guide the development of our economy so that we are moving increasingly to one that is characterized by creativity oriented occupations? –How do we design as much creativity into occupations that are currently routine- oriented? Ontario in the Creative Age

9 Exceptional customer care environments Increase creativity in all jobs Be the world’s first jurisdiction where creativity-oriented occupations account for half of all jobs Strengthen creativity skills through our education system Market Ontario as a creative province Ontario in the Creative Age

10 Exceptional customer care environments Analytical Social intelligence Physical Three value skills

11 Exceptional customer care environments determining how a system works and how changes in conditions will affect the outcome, developing and using rules and methods to solve problems, and quickly and accurately comparing and contrasting patterns or sets of numbers. Analytical skills

12 Exceptional customer care environments Abilities in understanding, collaborating with, and managing other people. Ability to assess the needs and perspectives of others to facilitate negotiation, selling, and teamwork. Social intelligence skills

13 Exceptional customer care environments Complex thinking skills that are essential for assessing fluid, ambiguous human situations – such as deductive reasoning, the ability to apply general rules to specific problems to produce answers that make sense, or judgment – and for decision making. Oral and written communication skills. Social intelligence skills

14 Exceptional customer care environments Work with high content of: Analytical skills Increases $18,700 from lower to higher content Social intelligence skills Increases $25,100 from lower to higher content Physical skills Decreases $8,100 from lower to higher content Relative Rise in Income

15 Exceptional customer care environments Conference Board of Canada Employability Skills 2000+ include: –Communication –problem solving –positive attitudes and behaviours, –adaptability –working with others –science, technology and mathematics skills.

16 Exceptional customer care environments Conference Board of Canada Honing the Skills –know yourself and get feedback –identify and reflect on your skills –plan skills development activities –implement your development plans and practice your skills –document and market your skills for success

17 Exceptional customer care environments Millennials

18 Exceptional customer care environments more violent and risk prone? –Teen crime down 70% last 10 years more emotional problems? –Suicide rate on steep decline Parental influence declining –9 of 10 say trust, feel close to parents Millennial Myths

19 Exceptional customer care environments Don’t care about others –Volunteer activity up by 30% over boomers Not doing as well in school –Average SAT score highest in 30 years –73% want university degree –Grade school scores are rising Millennial Myths

20 Exceptional customer care environments University Opinions – Star article –Wikipedia generation is lazy and unprepared for university's rigours –Under resourced secondary school system –work ethic is not what it used to be Are we offering what they need and want? Millennial Myths

21 Exceptional customer care environments “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” Plato circa 400 BC Millennial Myths

22 Exceptional customer care environments Multi media upbringing –Learn holistically rather than sequentially –Visual rather than readers –Multi-taskers – low attention span –Time and performance pressure –Consumers - want to buy education how they want - customized Link to Millennials

23 Exceptional customer care environments Activities must be: –Educational – web knowledge, Wikipedia –Entertaining – game oriented, Visual –Extravagant – Bling, eye catching, pleasing –Encompassing – socially inclusive –Engaging – interactive, group oriented Link to Millennials

24 Exceptional customer care environments “Money” jobs: a means to an end (usually paying for post-secondary education, a car, basic living expenses) until they leave post-secondary; or something they are “stuck” in “Careers”: aspirations are for a “lifelong career” (less and less about a single employer or company) Millennials

25 Exceptional customer care environments “Money” and “Careers”: want a diversity of experiences – and while focusing on stability they put increasing emphasis on developing new skills, knowledge Expect to be working at a whole range of jobs Many have aspirations for owning own business Millennials

26 Exceptional customer care environments Daniel Pink suggests more left brain / right brain balance Social Intelligence skills are associated with the right brain Tom Peters on women as entrepreneurs –Better connection between left and right brain –Joseph LeDoux A Whole New Mind

27 Exceptional customer care environments –Logical, detail oriented, facts rule –Words and language, math and science –Reality based, practical, knowing –Can comprehend, knows object name –Acknowledges order/pattern perception –Forms strategies, safe Left Brain

28 Exceptional customer care environments –Feeling, believes, imagination rules –"big picture" oriented, spatial perception –Symbols and images, philosophy, religion –Can "get it" (i.e. meaning) –Fantasy based, presents possibilities –knows object function –Impetuous, risk taking Right Brain

29 Exceptional customer care environments Dancer,21985,22556281-661,00.html nedquiz nedquiz Self Test

30 Exceptional customer care environments Pink suggests 6 exercise areas: –Design – aesthetics (form follows function) –Story – information as narrative –Symphony – Synthesis (the big picture) –Empathy – understanding feelings –Play – Joy in doing - humour - fun –Meaning - Spirituality A Whole New Mind

31 Exceptional customer care environments –Industry moving from product to service –The need for creativity –Creativity is a predominantly right brain function –Millennials are lateral thinkers - broad rather than deep –Students want more choice/customization Common Theme

32 Exceptional customer care environments Professional Edge –Know yourself: Personality Type (preferences) Personality Style (emotional responses) –Emotional Intelligence (naming your emotions and recognizing them in others) –The power of language (NLP) Enhance Social Intelligence Skills

33 Exceptional customer care environments Professional Edge: –Create a profile of self –Use of social networking for work search (My Space, You Tube, Face Book, Twitter) 6 degrees of separation –Create a video promoting profile and skills Work place game (BDL) Enhance Interpersonal Skills

34 Exceptional customer care environments Thank you

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