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EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. PROGRAM SPONSORS Offered through Highline Community College Professional Technical Programs, Human Services.

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Presentation on theme: "EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE PROGRAM. PROGRAM SPONSORS Offered through Highline Community College Professional Technical Programs, Human Services."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROGRAM SPONSORS Offered through Highline Community College Professional Technical Programs, Human Services Program IN COLLABORATION WITH THE DIVISION OF VOCATION REHABILITATION, DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, WASHINGTON INITIATIVE FOR SUPPORTED EMPLOYMENT(WISE), O’NEILL AND ASSOCIATES AND THE FOLLOWING COUNTIES: King County Snohomish County Pierce County Kitsap Jefferson Clark Yakima Spokane Members of the Pilot Oversight Committee

3 Project Goals Increase the competence of employment professionals Develop a network of future leaders in supported employment Provide staff an opportunity for relationship building and networking Expand resources for employment professionals to increase their knowledge through predictable systematic training Embed supported employment training within the generic Community College system Expand employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities 3

4 Course Content: Fall Quarter This course examines the history, values, public policy, individualized planning and precision training and positive approaches that have influenced the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities into work and community life. 4

5 Course Outline Historical Perspectives Institutionalization and Inclusion Systematic Instruction: Preparing to Teach Systematic Instruction: Teaching Systematic Instruction: Practicum Relationship and Choice Individualized Approaches Service Funding Systems and Policy Positive Approaches in Supporting Behavior 5

6 Course Content: Winter Quarter This course will focus on many aspects of developing jobs for people with developmental disabilities in the community. Will include Job Candidate Discovery General networking approaches Specific sales strategies. Working as a team in an agency and collaboratively with families/residential Being a good ambassador for the people you are promoting and preparing them for job interviews. 6

7 Course Outline Job development strategies Networking and community involvement Customized employment Corporate development Utilizing a team for success Time management Ambassadorship Job analysis and matching Career development Persisting in the process 7

8 Course Content : Spring Quarter This course will build skills and offer creative methods of assisting individuals with developmental disabilities to succeed on the job and improve the competence of businesses and coworkers to support and include people with disabilities. The emphasis will include: Job support and coaching Developing partnerships with business Creative problem solving, follow along, diminishing external support and fostering natural supports in the workplace.

9 Course Outline: Natural Supports Preparing the individual Preparing the business Review of Systematic Training Orientation and initial training Developing Support Plans Monitoring and case management Communication and partnership with circle of support Time Management Training for independence Diminishing agency/staff supports Proactive assistance and problem resolution Customer follow-along services to business and individual Career advancement Additional job development

10 Program Logistics Program Information  Program is limited to twenty-two students  Students will be recruited from: Clark, King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties.  Classes will occur each quarter on Friday from 9:00 - 2:00  Classes will cost $2,000.00 for three quarters  Program located at Highline Community College, Outreach Center, Room 132 (Building 99, Entrance off of Pacific Hwy South)  The program is three sequential eleven week quarters, Fall, 2010, Winter, 2011, Spring, 2011.  Five credits per quarter, credits will be transferable.

11 Criteria For Student Selection/Admission STUDENT SELECTION  Student will complete an application for the program.  Student is committed to attending all three quarters.  Agency agrees to cover the cost ($2,000) for all three quarters.  Agency agrees to support the student to attend class five hours per week as well as practicum hours during Winter Quarter.  Agree to allow computer access for required assignments  And consider applying ideas brought back to the Agency APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION  Student and Employer complete the attached application and submit to W.i.S.e., 100 South King St., Suite 260, Seattle, Wa. 98114  Student will be notified of acceptance into the program and the next steps for registration with Highline Community College.  For more information, contact Joyce Duran Black at or 206-

12 STUDENT TESTIMONALS Question - What would you say to your co- workers about the program? “It’s an absolute must” “Do what you have to do to get into this class” “ If I were a Director I would want my people to go” “It’s not just for beginners - it’s useful for everyone” “I highly recommend the program to increase staff retentions. There is a hodgepodge of training, but this was organized and methodical..” “I’m totally amazed at how much I took in”

13 Learning Objectives Summary FallWinterSpring Average Pretest Participant Confidence3.43.74.4 Relevance to Present Job4.45.25.3 Average Post-test Participant Confidence4.85.1 Relevance to Present Job5.14.85.2 Average Change Participant Confidence41.2%37.8%15.9% Relevance to Present Job15.9%-7.7%-1.9%

14 First Graduating Class 2007-2008

15 King County - Currently preparing for fourth year Clark County – Currently preparing for third year -Instructors/teaching assistant selected. - Recruitment underway for students Clark County- Students from WA & Oregon 2009-2010 Class – First educators to attend & graduate What’s Next?

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