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BASM530 The International Trading Environment John Ries.

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1 BASM530 The International Trading Environment John Ries

2 Office: HA 254, 822 ‑ 8493 Office Hours: Tuesday 10-11:30, Wednesday, 3:00-5:00 (or by appointment) Email: Class website: Contact Info

3 Readings Elements of Multinational Strategy by Keith Head. link provided in Lecture Notes section of website A readings package is available at Duplications Services, HA423.

4 Course requirements Class participation 10%, Export project –Presentation 15% –Paper 25% Final exam 60%

5 Export project Outline the company’s mission statement (what the company does). Describe the products and/or services which the company proposes to market. Identify a target country and discuss market potential for your product. Explain why the exporter has a competitive advantage in producing this product. Describe possible constraints to export success such as domestic and foreign competition, tariff and non-tariff barriers, and other features of the business environment.

6 Project details There are no geographical restrictions on the export—it can originate from any country and be destined for any country. You should consider an actual company. –Information on Canadian companies: (the company need not be Canadian, however). The course website provides links to other useful websites. In the next lecture I will provide tips of conducting project research

7 Project output The assignment should be co-written with 2-4 classmates. –Papers should be roughly 5-6 pages per student (double-spaced) plus references and at most three pages of appendixes containing supplemental information. Teams will make brief, 15-minute presentations of their export projects during the last week of class (before the evaluation week).

8 Final exam A 2-hour exam will consist of a mix of short answer and multiple-choice questions. It will cover lecture material and the assigned readings. A sample exam will be posted to the website.

9 Course topics WEEK 1 1. Business across borders –Forms of international business and globalization: (EMS 1.1; “Schools Brief: One World?”) –Six forms of separation (EMS 1.2) 2. Gains from trade/sources of comparative advantage –Short-run/long-run decisions (EMS 3) –Factor abundance theory (EMS 4.1-4.3)

10 Ensuing weeks WEEK 2 1. Sources of Comparative Advantage (cont.) 2. Exporting WEEK 3 1. Exporting (cont.) 2. Foreign Exchange WEEK 4 1. The Political Economy of Protectionism 2. Trade Rules WEEK 5 1. Trade Rules (cont.) 2. Project presentations

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