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Program developed by: Crystal L. Halley, M. Ed, NCC, GCDF.

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Presentation on theme: "Program developed by: Crystal L. Halley, M. Ed, NCC, GCDF."— Presentation transcript:

1 Program developed by: Crystal L. Halley, M. Ed, NCC, GCDF

2 What is…the Alston Leadership Program for Students (ALPS)? Mission? ALPS conduct research, perform extra- curricular duties, and participate in regular training activities to become young leaders while developing professional skills that will assist in future career goals AND to ease the burden of transition to Alston Middle School, upon the arrival of each new student, the ALPS perform responsibilities as a mentor and guide.

3 Program developed by: Crystal L. Halley, M. Ed, NCC, GCDF Who are the members of the Alston Leadership Program for Students (ALPS)? Students can request an interview through guidance or his/her homeroom teacher and/or be recommended by teachers/staff. Interview Process: 1)Written Interview: each student will be given a written homework assignment that must be turned in to his/her grade level advisor or the guidance office by Group Interview date. 2)Group Interview: each student will participate in a group discussion on specified topic. 3)Individual Interview: each student will meet with the grade level sponsor and/or lead sponsor to answer individual questions.

4 Program developed by: Crystal L. Halley, M. Ed, NCC, GCDF Why does AMS have them? To Provide… ALPS an opportunity to: learn leadership & teamwork skills help others in need develop communication skills participate positively in school gain service learning experiences that helps prepare them for future employment opportunities New students with an opportunity to: meet students, faculty and staff more easily learn the school policies, procedures, and layout have someone available to ask all the small but important questions that new students have

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