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National Science Foundation Human Resources Outcome Indicators: Approaches and Prospects Colloquium on Measuring the Impacts of Science June 17-18, 2004.

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1 National Science Foundation Human Resources Outcome Indicators: Approaches and Prospects Colloquium on Measuring the Impacts of Science June 17-18, 2004 Montreal, Canada Rolf Lehming Division of Science Resources Statistics, National Science Foundation NOTE: The views expressed are those of the author and do not represent the position of the National Science Foundation. No endorsement by the National Science Foundation should be inferred.

2 National Science Foundation Two types of research output  New knowledge in the form of research results, methodological advances, conceptual breakthroughs  People who have gained substantive, conceptual, methodological and tacit knowledge along with a perspective on science and research  Both can theoretically be traced and analyzed  Bibliometrics as knowledge output proxy  Graduate enrollment, advanced degrees, and postdocs as proxies Human Resources Outcome Indicators

3 National Science Foundation Longer-term research outcomes  Individuals’ research experiences and encounters with science may yield outcomes like  An appreciation of the scientific perspective  An openness to empirical inquiry  The acquisition of specific skills  The sum of these individual outcomes may yield  A technically sophisticated population and workforce  An educated citizenry able to deal with the science and technology components of public policy issues Human Resources Outcome Indicators

4 National Science Foundation NSF Strategic Goals  “People” as one of NSF’s four Strategic Performance Goals  (along with “Ideas,” “Tools” and “Administration and Management”)  The strategic “People” outcome goal is to develop a workforce of scientists and engineers that is  Diverse, internationally competitive, and globally engaged  And to develop well-prepared [scientifically literate?] citizens  The plan includes annual performance goals and prospective and retrospective reporting foci Human Resources Outcome Indicators

5 National Science Foundation NSF Administrative Data Number of people involved in NSF’s activities FY2002 FY2003 FY2004 _____________________ Actual Estimated Estimated Senior researchers 28,960 29,820 30,590 Other professionals 12,060 12,180 12,640 Postdoctoral associates 5,740 6,060 6,170 Graduate students 26,170 27,440 28,690 Undergraduate students 34,250 32,710 36,350 K-12 students 11,460 13,640 14,640 K-12 teachers 84,710 85,460 86,830 Total number of people 203,350 207,310 215,910 Human Resources Outcome Indicators

6 National Science Foundation NSF Administrative Data  These figures are compiled from proposal budgets estimating number and types of people involved  Limited personal information is captured about the principal investigator(s) only  NSF asks principal investigators to fill in, as part of project closeout, a matrix of project participants by type of position and demographic characteristics  Submission is voluntary and compliance variable  Figures do not include the almost 200,000 reviewers of the 30,000-plus proposals NSF receives annually Human Resources Outcome Indicators

7 National Science Foundation NSF Administrative Data  The data provide approximate estimates of the number of people “reached,” in some fashion, by NSF funds or, in the case of peer reviewers, by NSF programs  These initial project estimates  are not exact  cannot be aggregated over time (the same persons may be counted in 2, 3, or more adjacent years)  in their current form invite no further analytical use Human Resources Outcome Indicators

8 National Science Foundation NSF’s Strategic People Goal  NSF discussion about requiring investigators to supply demographic and contact information for project participants to allow use for  Tracking of careers  Studies of (scientific) productivity  Program assessments Human Resources Outcome Indicators

9 National Science Foundation NSF’s Strategic People Goal  NSF declined for reasons including.(???)  Concern about PI response burden  Feasibility and legality (informed consent, university role)  Rules for establishing and maintaining Federal Systems of Records  Confidentiality and privacy concerns Human Resources Outcome Indicators

10 National Science Foundation NSF’s Strategic People Goal  NSF emphasizes HR output and outcomes in proposal guidelines  “Proposals must describe … the broader impacts resulting from the proposed activities …”  Integration of research and education  Participation of underrepresented groups  Infrastructure enhancement such as facilities, instrumentation, networks, partnerships  Enhancement of scientific and technological understanding  Potential benefits of the activity to society at large Human Resources Outcome Indicators

11 National Science Foundation NSF’s Strategic People Goal  NSF also emphasizes the importance of HR output and outcomes in reviewer instructions  Reviewers are instructed to address both merit review criteria  Intellectual merit of the proposed activity  Broader impacts [i.e., as described before]  Response to the broader-impacts criterion by proposal submitters and reviewers has been uneven  NSF has begun returning some proposals  NSF has repeatedly urged reviewers to address the second criterion Human Resources Outcome Indicators

12 National Science Foundation NSF Surveys  Three biennial surveys of individuals who have at least a bachelor’s degree in science, engineering, or math or work in an S&E occupation  National Survey of College Graduates samples people with a bachelor’s or higher degree drawn from decennial U.S. Census, then followed up  National Survey of Recent College Graduates samples those with newly awarded S&E degrees  Survey of Doctorate Recipients draws a sample from a census of recipients of U.S. S&E doctorates  Integrated into the Scientists and Engineers Statistical Data System (SESTAT) Human Resources Outcome Indicators

13 National Science Foundation NSF Surveys  Extensive demographic, educational, work-related, and personal information  Permits some outcome-related analyses including  Expansion of S&E occupations in the labor force (4 times faster growth than total LF over 2 decades)  Tracking of S&E degree holders into occupations not classified as science or engineering  High degree of relatedness of job, training  May indicate growing technical requirements of the economy  For individuals, education and career histories Human Resources Outcome Indicators

14 National Science Foundation NSF Surveys  Outcome type variables but only inferred link to input, output items  Other limitations include  Expanded NAICS coding but aggregating up in analyses and barring of firm-level reporting  Limited ability to do productivity studies because of the paucity of output indicators  Matching with data from external sources faces serious difficulties  No ability to address citizenship competency issues  Separate survey on public attitudes Human Resources Outcome Indicators

15 National Science Foundation Other NSF Survey  Survey of Industrial Research and Development  25,000 firms, 2 personnel items  total payroll employment  Estimated FTE number of scientists and engineers working on R&D  Excludes social sciences and psychology  Analyses of the distribution of FTE researchers by firm sector and characteristics including R&D volume  In principle, trends in use of researchers across industries  No human resources detail available Human Resources Outcome Indicators

16 National Science Foundation Non-NSF Surveys  The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Survey  Tracking of trends in S&E occupations at industry level in the framework of total employment  Potential to develop comparable state-level estimates (technical issues to be resolved)  Potential outcome indicators on changing size, composition, location of high-technology segments of the economy  BLS defines high-tech industries by S&E jobs percentage at least twice that of the average for all industries. Human Resources Outcome Indicators

17 National Science Foundation Bottom Line and a Note  These surveys provide some means of estimating the size and some composition of the S&E workforce  All surveys but Industrial R&D Survey have only implied link of outcomes to inputs and outputs (except education inputs)  Limited ability to conduct in-depth panel analyses of career patterns in the context of the total labor market  Limited ability to conduct productivity studies  A note on intergenerational social mobility  Valued mark of an open society  Education traditionally a strong factor  Role of science? Human Resources Outcome Indicators

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