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Kentucky Rising April 27, 2015 Dale Winkler, Ed.D KDE Associate Commissioner.

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Presentation on theme: "Kentucky Rising April 27, 2015 Dale Winkler, Ed.D KDE Associate Commissioner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kentucky Rising April 27, 2015 Dale Winkler, Ed.D KDE Associate Commissioner

2 2 Kentucky Rising Education: a key driver of the economy Kentucky’s economy is becoming more global – 21 percent of jobs in the state are tied to international trade – Exports make up 13 percent of the state’s gross domestic product and in 2013 Kentucky had the second highest growth in exports nationally – Kentucky exports $25.3 billion in goods to nearly 200 countries – Foreign direct investment in Kentucky has increased with $3.7 billion flowing into the state, accounting for 40 % of new investments and 30 % of newly created jobs since 2008

3 3 Kentucky Rising How can we prepare today’s students to be tomorrow’s global workforce? Build on college/career-readiness What are other countries doing? Nine primary factors shared by high performing education systems - Kentucky has at least the beginnings of each one

4 4 9 Building Blocks for a World-Class Education System 1.Provide strong supports for children and their families before students arrive at school 2.Provide more resources for at-risk students than for others 3.Develop world-class, highly coherent instructional systems 4.Create clear gateways for students through the system, set to global standards, with no dead ends 5.Assure an abundant supply of highly qualified teachers

5 5 6.Redesign schools to be places in which teachers will be treated as professionals, with incentives and support to continuously improve their professional practice and the performance of their students 7.Create an effective system of career and technical education and training 8.Create a leadership development system that develops leaders at all levels to manage such systems effectively 9.Institute a governance system that has the authority and legitimacy to develop coherent, powerful policies and is capable of implementing them at scale 9 Building Blocks for a World-Class Education System

6 6 The Working Group consists of 25 individuals representing business & industry, K-12 & postsecondary education, government agencies, and professional associations. The Working Group will facilitate a gap analysis related to the indicators project. The Steering Committee is made up of leaders from various agencies. This committee will create the vision for Kentucky Rising and utilize the gap analysis to develop a strategic plan. Working Group and Steering Committee

7 7 Compares what Kentucky is doing to leading states, nations States – top achievers on NAEP – Massachusetts – New Hampshire * Recent Fed approval on PBC – New Jersey International – Top performers in math, reading and science on the Programme on International student Assessment (PISA) Countries different in national culture, type of government, structure of education system, etc. – Ontario, Canada – Shanghai, China Gap Analysis – Singapore – Finland

8 8 Kentucky Indicators Project An overview of the indicators project

9 9 Kentucky Indicators Project Indicators that will show how or what the benchmarked jurisdictions are doing for each of the Nine Building Blocks – the information will be both quantitative and qualitative

10 10 Kentucky Rising Next steps: – Identify and implement additional strategies; recruit schools and districts as pilots to implement global ready plan – Refine strategies; expand participants – Scale strategies statewide New Bluegrass Diploma would identify those students who achieve global-ready status

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